New Hunter from Colordao


New member
Feb 23, 2018
Denver, CO
Hi All,

Im 32 and I live in Denver and am brand new to hunting. After reading lots of Hunt Talk & watching Randy's youtube videos its become very apparent to me that I would really enjoy hunting. Plus the though of eating something you worked really hard for and know where it came from seems like something I need to do. So I am going to go for an elk or a mule deer tag this fall and hopefully get into other small game / waterfowl as well in the future. I really want to give a big thank you to Randy for all of his work on his media as everything he has put out has been huge help to me to get over the hump and decided to try hunting since I knew nothing about how to do it before finding his youtube channel. I just finished my hunters ed last week and now have the daunting task of buying all the hunting gear I need while trying to stay out of the poor house as well as figure out what unit and season I should go for.

If anyone has some good advice on affordable camo, what pattern is best for Colorado Mountains, and a decent backpack I would appreciate it. Would love to just go buy a new Sitka, Kuiu or First Light outfit along with a Mystery ranch or Stone Glacier backpack, but along with everything else I need those will be far above my budget this year. I've tried looking at ebay but all the quality stuff is still pretty $$$.

Lastly Ive tried looking around but if you dont know anyone that has hunted mule deer or elk in the Rockies before who would be willing to take you out with them - whats the next best way to get some real life experience? I can watch all the youtube videos in the world but we all know its not the same thing as being out there with someone who knows their stuff.

Glad to be here and hope to tap into the wealth of knowledge you all have between now and the seasons opening. Thanks in advance!
Welcome! I wouldn't worry about camo and other fancy stuff. No reason to break the bank on a first hunt. Wool pants from the army surplus and other similar gear will work fine. Friend of mine has never worn camo and he does fine. His favorite "camo" pattern is woolrich plaid. If you have the money then sure, buy what you want but it isn't necessary. Used backpacking packs are easy to get on Craig's. I use an old Gregory pack that I cinch down but is big enough to hold a quarter. Super comfy pack designed to carry a heavy load.

Spend your money on boots!
Glad you could join us. I'd be figuring out what to apply for, drawing is in 5 weeks. Agree that camo is not necessary. However, there are lots of deals on slightly used gear by guys who get the latest every year. Shopping is easy @ online classifieds like Rokslide and here, Denver Craigslist as well. Scouting during summer months is the best preparation for hunting, IMO.
Welcome from the Front Range! I was in your spot when I was 33 (so years ago now). I was lucky enough to have a buddy who got me started but learned a lot the hard way before there was info available in places like this. I have used an older Osprey pack for packing out and it works fine for an elk quarter so I would say if you can find a good used pack it doesn't have to be hunt specific. Are you rifle or bow hunting? Do you have any camping gear at all? How much time do you have for hunting and scouting? These are some things that color a lot of the choices you have to make. Feel free to PM me if you have questions about the draw process....also I can give you a heads up on a somewhat "easy" entry to hunting type hunting. Congratulations on taking the leap.
Don't need fancy camo, barely need to wear camo at all, unless hunting turkey's.

Here's a good place to go (off Broadway) to load up on cheaper gear, from camo to backpacks, sleeping bags, and stoves:
Hi All,

Thanks for the info so far everyone. Glad to hear I can get away with what I have already (including my Woolrich plaids haha) since I have been "weaponless hunting" aka backpacking for quite a while. I guess keeping you scent off them seems to be more important and what you look like! I will defiantly hit up the army surplus store though and keep my eye online for a backpack though I haven't seen much on there yet - Im sure something will pop up. Thanks again and look forward to seeing you all out in the forums.
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Welcome! Be ready to be addicted. Agreed you definitely don't need the fanciest gear just set a budget and go from there. Start somewhere and you will learn what you like and what you don't. Good luck this Fall!
Hi All,

Thanks for the info so far everyone. Glad to hear I can get away with what I have already (including my Woolrich plaids haha) since I have been "weaponless hunting" aka backpacking for quite a while. I guess keeping you scent off them seems to be more important and what you look like! I will defiantly hit up the army surplus store though and keep my eye online for a backpack though I haven't seen much on there yet - Im sure something will pop up. Thanks again and look forward to seeing you all out in the forums.

The wind direction is way more important than scent removal. I still try to reduce the scent on my gear but paying attention to the wind, as it will switch often, is most important.
I guess I can start a new thread for this in the appropriate spot but if any of you would like to share your thoughts on the draw vs OTC in Colorado Id appreciate it. From what I can tell the rifle draw would make sense for me if knew I wanted a specific unit that I could draw with no preference points and I wanted the first rifle season. Other wise I could just get an OTC tag for 2nd or 3rd rifle seasons and figure the unit out later, does that sound right? Is getting the 1st rifle season that much better than the later seasons for a unit I can draw as a resident with 0 preference points?

Thanks in advance!
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Welcome from the People's Republic of Boulder! All good info here to get you started. As a resident, I would advise to apply for a draw unit for 1st rifle. It will certainly limit the crowds a bit and it is overall a better time to be hunting elk in my mind. You will most likely hear some bugles and they won't have been shot at a bunch yet. If you have the time and are up for it, look at getting a draw tag and an OTC 2nd or 3rd tag. Definitely pays to have as much time in the woods as possible!
The best way to learn about hunting is really to just go do it. Know that you're gonna screw things up at first, but it is all a learning experience. I would also encourage you to spend some time in whichever unit you decide on before the season just to get a lay of the land. It makes it way less intimidating to have a feel for the country you'll be hunting. Good luck in your endeavors!
If you have the time and are up for it, look at getting a draw tag and an OTC 2nd or 3rd tag. Definitely pays to have as much time in the woods as possible!

It would have to be an A and B tag though, so in this instance a B tag for first rifle (antlerless) and an OTC A tag for 2nd or 3rd. All 2nd and 3rd OTC are A tags. More of those B tags for 1st rifle take a point than not, I believe.
Welcome from southern Colorado!

I have a 3-season-used Kuiu Ultra 3000 pack/frame I'm about ready to sell, it's a S/M belt and Tall frame with bloodstains for luck, and also a Ultra 6000 bag that's been used on one trip. If that setup fits you and you're interested send me a PM and we can haggle...I'm up in Littleton about once a month and can bring it up.

I am in the same boat, just moved to Denver. I've been a duck hunter all my life, but don't know anything about hunting here in Colorado.

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