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New guy saying hello.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2013
Hi everyone. Been following this site for quite awhile now, glad to finally have joined. I thought I would start out by sharing a pic of my 2013 MT mountain goat. By far the most exciting hunt of my life. My girlfriend and I spent every weekend from the time I found I had drawn the tag till the opener scouting and getting to know the mountain range. We had seen 196 goats in preseason scouting trips. We had some time off mid to end of september to try and make it happen. After passing on quite a few billy's I finally decided this guy was the one. We had to spend the night cold camped with him to get him caped for a lifesize and get all the meat ready to go. The next morning we went and got our camp and packed the goat 5 miles to the car. Most amazing animal Ive ever hunted. Anyways I look forward to hearing about all of your adventures.image.jpg
Welcome to the site. You'll find there quite a few goat fanatics on here. Surely you took more pictures on your goat hunt than that? :) Do share if you feel so inclined. Great goat too!
Having trouble getting more than one photo to a post but I will put up some individually until I figure it out.image.jpg
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