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New Appointment to head BLM?

I've sent personal emails to my Reps. Generic organization types are the same as reading one article. Once read - no reason to continue reading the same. Not that personal are the Grand Poobah for grabbing the attention of our reps however - beats a zerox copy.
Hossblur I assume you heard about Rob Bishop already?

Not much to be done about the BLM, elections have consequences. Our politics are very partisan and pendulum swings are very wide. Most people think BLM means Black Lives Matter.

Reducing acrimony between parties and tamping down partisanship is long term the only solution. As long as Democrats are seen as anti rural, Republicans will have a carte blanche to promote their most extreme managers in the west, probably quite a few support reducing federal control. I'm sure if you posted the question to I Hunt Colorado as to who should determine wolf reintroduction, the feds, the general population, or the people who live in the counties affected, the sentiment would run in only one direction. It's the same with many other issues. Moderation, inclusiveness, all that has gone out the window, and with it comes things like public land transfer people.
For me in NY, Schumers staff is excellent getting back to me. they respond to all email and phone calls. It's not uncommon to get return call from a staffer to take a statement. I have also met and spoken with the him on a few occasions.
Gillibrand, not so much. Emails are retuned almost always with a cookie cutter email. No calls back and I haven't spoken to her since she became senator. When she was my Congressperson she was very responsive, it also help that we were pretty much neighbors and had mutual friends.
My current congressman, Delgado has been excellent, all crospondences are returned with an email or phone call from a staffer, he has also reached out to my self and other people I know.
Big change from Faso who lost the seat, he was my MIL neighbor and friends with my wifes family. I still don't think I got a return all or email from him in his first 18 months in office.

Its takes a lot for non paid lobbying and correspondences to get politicians attention...
Worrisome to say the least. I understand the background of this guy and how bad it could get. It seems there have been a few public land wins lately, this could halt momentum quickly. I don'texpect great things from BLM, but does anyone have an insight as to stated policy or is it too early to tell for sure?
By agreeing to be the point of the spear on many controversial policies the administration puts forth, they get rewarded for their willingness and loyalty. The Utah delegation has some of the "safest" seats in Congress, demonstrated by their tenure and history. They can act almost with immunity and the administration rewards them for their willingness to support its policies, however questionable.

Only 6 Republican senators have voted against Trump at a percentage higher than Mitt Romney, and one of those is Mike Lee. Utah has issues with it's delegation, but to claim it's blind loyalty to Trump is provably false.
Only 6 Republican senators have voted against Trump at a percentage higher than Mitt Romney, and one of those is Mike Lee. Utah has issues with it's delegation, but to claim it's blind loyalty to Trump is provably false.

not to speak for Rand, but I don't think he was talking about blind allegiance. He was talking specifically on the lands issues out west. When you look at who Trump had as his counsel on sporting issues, it's a whose who of tag-grabbers and land-theives from the UT crowd ( Peay, Bishop, etc). Zinke fell in with that crowd (as have a lot of western politicians) because that crowd consistently puts money in their purses. The fundraising sideshows at the Expo are a grand example of the co-mingling of conservation and purchase-politics, especially as it relates to public lands, public wildlife, and the management of both.

That those power sources are based in UT, means all of UT gets painted with a broad brush, much like how CA gets painted with a broad brush when it comes to being the land of fruits and nuts.
I agree. I think the CU ruling if not corrected will be looked back upon in our history as when the linchpin broke
From last night:

That’s when Buttigieg spoke up:

[This is] the conversation that we have been having for the last 20 years. Of course, we need to get money out of politics, but when I propose the actual structural democratic reforms that might make a difference — end the Electoral College, amend the Constitution if necessary to clear up Citizens United, have DC actually be a state, and depoliticize the Supreme Court with structural reform — people look at me funny, as if this country was incapable of structural reform.

I like the fact that others are seeing CU as major problem that needs to be addressed.
Only 6 Republican senators have voted against Trump at a percentage higher than Mitt Romney, and one of those is Mike Lee. Utah has issues with it's delegation, but to claim it's blind loyalty to Trump is provably false.

That's a bit of a smokescreen. Mike Lee is the tip of the spear. Bishop was, and may be again as he considers a run for governor.

Voting against the president when it's a forgone conclusion a bill will pass regardless, isn't principled, it's stat pacing.

Romney. Romney is a complete lost cause and the laughable joke everyone knew him to be. However, he has no idea about any of these issues and might be the easiest to sway. Especially if Trump is for something.
From last night:

That’s when Buttigieg spoke up:
[This is] the conversation that we have been having for the last 20 years. Of course, we need to get money out of politics, but when I propose the actual structural democratic reforms that might make a difference — end the Electoral College, amend the Constitution if necessary to clear up Citizens United, have DC actually be a state, and depoliticize the Supreme Court with structural reform — people look at me funny, as if this country was incapable of structural reform.

I like the fact that others are seeing CU as major problem that needs to be addressed.
I'm all for CU getting nuked, if you eliminate the Electoral College be prepared for the major Urban populations to always have their champion ascend to the top (will always have a (D) President). The flyover states' votes will be meaningless.
not to speak for Rand, but I don't think he was talking about blind allegiance. He was talking specifically on the lands issues out west.

Those who know me, such as hoss, know I'm as against the land grab and Trump as anybody, but I don't read BFs post as "talking specifically on the lands issues out west".

Maybe I misinterpreted, but the part of BFs post that says, "By agreeing to be the point of the spear on many controversial policies the administration puts forth, they get rewarded for their willingness and loyalty," implies to me further influence than just land issues.

He also stated, "The Utah delegation has some of the "safest" seats in Congress, demonstrated by their tenure and history," which can be countered with the fact that both Senators from Utah have been newly elected since 2011. There are probably not many states with both Senators with so little tenure.

We're off subject here, just offering a counterpoint that Utah politicians are just being rewarded for "loyalty" when that doesn't appear to be the case.
Those who know me, such as hoss, know I'm as against the land grab and Trump as anybody, but I don't read BFs post as "talking specifically on the lands issues out west".

Maybe I misinterpreted, but the part of BFs post that says, "By agreeing to be the point of the spear on many controversial policies the administration puts forth, they get rewarded for their willingness and loyalty," implies to me further influence than just land issues.

He also stated, "The Utah delegation has some of the "safest" seats in Congress, demonstrated by their tenure and history," which can be countered with the fact that both Senators from Utah have been newly elected since 2011. There are probably not many states with both Senators with so little tenure.

We're off subject here, just offering a counterpoint that Utah politicians are just being rewarded for "loyalty" when that doesn't appear to be the case.

Orrin hatch retired. Hatch replaced frank moss? So in nearly 100 yrs 3 senators.

Lee replaced Bob Bennett. I agree the name tag gets replaced, but when was the last dem senator.

We did get a dem congressman.

There is a cultural reason(comes from religion) in which Utahns greatly distrust federal gov, be it conditions of statehood that left a lot of women and children stranded, continuing with the downwinders. Combined with a obidience component in the major religion, it creates a breeding ground for the" front pulpit, anti fed" crew that uses that for personal gain, be it government offices, or Utah's nation leading fraud victim status.

That's why every six years, or 2 when we get a few national orgs talking Utah politics, it falls on deaf ears. Whether it's BHA rende, or outdoor retailers, they are outsiders. The Lees and bishops need only use that "Utah values" dog whistle.

My family rode in with Brigham Young. Set up forts in central Utah. My mom's side got scattered with polygamy end. My family extended are sheep me, Turkey men, and downwinder cancer victims. The BLM sucks, the gov sucks, Utah is on its own. We've been on the bad side of the feds a lot.

That is a big majority of Utahns upbringing. That's a hard ship to turn.
Orrin hatch retired. Hatch replaced frank moss? So in nearly 100 yrs 3 senators.

Lee replaced Bob Bennett. I agree the name tag gets replaced, but when was the last dem senator.

We did get a dem congressman.

There is a cultural reason(comes from religion) in which Utahns greatly distrust federal gov, be it conditions of statehood that left a lot of women and children stranded, continuing with the downwinders. Combined with a obidience component in the major religion, it creates a breeding ground for the" front pulpit, anti fed" crew that uses that for personal gain, be it government offices, or Utah's nation leading fraud victim status.

That's why every six years, or 2 when we get a few national orgs talking Utah politics, it falls on deaf ears. Whether it's BHA rende, or outdoor retailers, they are outsiders. The Lees and bishops need only use that "Utah values" dog whistle.

My family rode in with Brigham Young. Set up forts in central Utah. My mom's side got scattered with polygamy end. My family extended are sheep me, Turkey men, and downwinder cancer victims. The BLM sucks, the gov sucks, Utah is on its own. We've been on the bad side of the feds a lot.

That is a big majority of Utahns upbringing. That's a hard ship to turn.

That's not a criticism, far from it. But when Fin made his comment, he's off. Mike Lee grew up in Wash DC. Romney in Michigan. They have no attachment to land. They get rewarded not for land issues, but for portraying "Utah values".

To defeat them, Utahns land has to become "Utah values"

I think it is. People are moving here who crave our outdoors. Kids are on the ranches where BLM or FS is a four letter word.
Barrasso's response to my email was filled with coded land-transfer language while Enzi outright said he's looking forward to Pendley's tenure as head of the BLM. I have very little hope of having my voice represented on the issue.
From ND Rep Kevin Cramer :rolleyes: I am sick of this guys crap and won't be voting for him or the other republicans in ND. They have supported just about everything I have been against the last few years.

“Mr. Pendley’s wealth of experience in federal land management makes him the right choice to run this expansive bureaucracy. North Dakota has several important issues that involve the BLM, and I look forward to working with Mr. Pendley as we responsibly develop and manage North Dakota’s natural resources and public lands.”
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