Needed this fishing trip


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2017
With all that has been going on the past couple months, the Mrs and I made an executive decision last Wednesday to take the kids to see grandma and grandpa in Wyoming and doing some fishing. This was the last week we could make a family vacay work and the kids were itching to go since all other plans this year were cancelled. It gave me some much needed relief and perspective. I am so grateful for our public lands/resources and the peace they provide. If anybody is hitting the Wind River range in the next couple weeks, the trout were especially excited about parachute Adams and spin-a-lures.
Looks like a good time! What age did you get your kids started on fishing?

Jackson is 8 right now but he really started enjoying it two years ago. I don't push them particularly hard but if they want to go fishing I take them fishing.
I’m sure you’ve given them a memory they’ll enjoy forever - “hey dad, remember when we went fishing during COVID?” What a fun time!