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Need to fatten up my setter


New member
Dec 10, 2000
Indianapolis, IN, United States
I've got two English Setters, both female litter mates approaching three years old. The runt, Joy, could stand to add about 10lbs. to her frame as per the Vet... any suggestions? I'm planning on feeding her separate from her sister but not sure what a good quality, high caloric food to give her...

Thanks for your help!
Some of the better brands of dog food, like Science Diet, have a high performance mix that is usually higher calorie. I sometimes put some vegetable oil on the dog food for extra calories. I know people who buy beef suet or any real fatty meat and cook it and pour the fat over the dog food and let them eat the meat, too. They don't let the dogs eat uncooked meat because they think they will acquire a taste for raw meat and start chomping on birds they're retreiving.

What did your vet say was the best way to add weight to the dog?
Thanks Ithaca... that's good advice. My vet recommended basically the same thing. A specially formulated dry food and topped with a canned food of some sort.

I think if I separate them during feeding, that will allow Joy, the runt, to eat more. In watching them in the yard though, she just burns a lot more energy than her heavier sibling....

I'll let you know what transpires!
Your on the right track Indy. Canned food mixxed with the dry will will do the trick. How offten do you feed? Is there food available to them all day? I'd only feed once a day, she'll be hungrier and eat more than if food is available all day.
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