need computer help


New member
Apr 2, 2002
I have reformatted and now my cd burner which is set for drive e is not accessable

Yet if i put in a disk and restart the computer it will see it and play it.
the regular cd rom works fine.
the help file says that it is a common driver and that windows should have it
what am I doing wrong????

I've had the same problem before when I've reformatted my hard drive. If it is an after market cd burner, one that you installed yourself you might have to pull out the software and re install it. I had to do that with mine and it worked fine afterwards.

If it is a burner that came with your computer I'm not sure what to do. Maybe in your software package it came a cd for you burner.

Good Luck

Reformatted what? Do you mean you completely wiped the C drive with a reformat C: command?? Is the E drive an "add on"? Be sure the drive is not being locked out because of something simple like a disk that is a little cockeyed. Talk to me.
wiped the c drive reloaded everything blah blah and now the aftermarket cd burner isn't acessable
Now i have both cd roms not working, it is a problem with the ide controlers
I can't seem to get them working
I reformatted again
this time I unhooked the ide cable and power to the burner before I reformatted, then got everything else updated and running. everything including the cd burning software seemed to load with no problems.
still says drive e is not accessable

I think something is wrong with the burner.
All the drivers, paths, ide controllers, software apear to be in order.
When booting up the computer, does the drive show up? If your PC boots very fast and the initial configuration scree goes by very quickly, hit the "pause" key to make it stop at the screen that shows the PC's memory, and hardware. If you have a PC that shows the brand or some other worthless information in front of the "good" information, you may have to hit the "tab" key to view it. I suspest the computer itself is not finding the drive on bootup. If that is the case, you will have to enter the BIOS and have the PC detect the drive. I will post more on that if that is the case.
If I put a disk into the burner then restart the computer it will play it.
Once the computer is booted it will neither auto play or play from commands.
Your system is using the bios boot on initiation indicating that it knows there is another drive. Try putting your disk in your slave drive then booting it using My Computer then clicking on the drive element. If that does not work or if the drive element is not visible in My Computer; I'm sure you have plug and plays devices that will programatically ask for or initiate bios entries from the driver set provided with the drives or pre-installed in you OS. Disconnect and reinstall the slave disk drives. You may be able just to install the driver software set or make an entry into your bios; but, letting the puter do it is a bunch easier. You guys who know what you are doing track my logic and feel free to chime in if I'm full of it! (You know how we old folk are!)
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