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ND Spring Turkey


Active member
Aug 19, 2009
North Dakota
This year was an off year for turkey hunting in west central ND. A low amount of snow this winter and a cold/windy spring had the birds spread out. This also left less than appealing weekends for hunting.

This would be the first hunt for my son Easton to tag along with. We would be hunting with good friend WSWAT. Easton knows Brent as the best fisherman around. Now time to find out of his turkey hunting skills.

Friday evening was slow and used as more of a scouting hunt. All we could turn up was a couple hens.

At 4:45 Easton flew out of bed Saturday morning excited for the day. Brent & I spent lots of time explaining what we would be doing and why. He was all ears when we talked strategy and enjoyed throwing his two cents in on the plans.he figured we should look for coyotes and they would lead us to the turkey's. Young minds are always thinking.

Having zero luck getting any birds to commit to calls we had to resort to a sneak attack. This was going to be tough with an antsy six year old.

We spotted a tom, jake and three hens as we were walking the lake shore. They were above us on a small butte and we had a gap of 300 yards before we could find cover. Slowly we worked our way towards the birds and somehow pulled it off without spooking them.

Now we just waited a couple minuets for the tom to work over the edge so we could move through some trees up the ridge. Right when we cleared the trees and eased out the tom appeared on top. We were pinned down in the wide open.

Easton did an amazing job staying still while we waited ten minuets for this bird to hopefully work back over the top. Finally he did and we made our move with Easton staying the perfect distance behind. The tom was just on the backside when we reached the top and the rest is history.

I think we have a future Hunt Talker on our hands.


After this hunt we are faily positive Easton could write a novel with all the turkey hunting strategy he put out there. This was one of the most fun hunting weekends I have ever had. The hunting was not the best but the partners were. Big thanks to Brent, Easton and I had a blast.
Hard enough to sneak with one person doing, pulling it off with three is exemplary!! Congratulations
Great story and pics! I'm sure Easton will be talking about that for a LONG time. Congrats!
Yaboy!!! Great story and memories!
Looks like a fine bird - one to remember...
Congrats on a great bird! I'm sure your boy will remember that the rest of his life. Is that bird considered a hybrid merriam or pure bred? Researching for a hunt for merriams next year.
They are a Hybrid were we hunt. Have heard rumor that back in the day a farmer released a big group of Rio Grande turkeys and they have since mixed with the Eastern birds. Right across the river they turn to Merriam birds.
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