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Name my son for me.

Wild Bill

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2015
My wife and I are at a complete loss for names for our second boy. We had our first son's name locked and loaded for a couple years before hand, but never thought much past that. Number 2 will be showing up in about a month and we've got nothing.
So, I've come to the greatest collection of minds on the interwebs for help.
We're looking for a "normal" name, if that makes sense.
Our first son's name is Theodore, so Alvin and Simon are off the table (thanks a lot chipmunks). Also, I told my wife no to Franklin because I don't want to just be naming after the Roosevelt family. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Help me out!

I have two sons with a pretty unique names, but they are both actually just old names.

There’s a lot of things a guy can do to find names for his children, but one that is actually pretty fun and will give you many names to think about would be walking through an old cemetery. Happens to be one of my hobbies.

Whatever you do, I am of the strong belief that a child needs a name when it is born. Folks who don’t name their children for days after the birth of their child are committing some sort of strange crime against identity in my mind.
I actually have quite a track record naming babies. After my late son was born in 1995, my mom, late wife, and I each came up with a name we all liked. We put them in an old derby hat my wife's grandpa once wore and my four year-old daughter made the draw. The winner was "Wesley." I couldn't remember whose choice it was until cleaning out a drawer in the bathroom last year when I discovered a tiny piece of paper with Wesley written on it. What the ...? I threw it in the trash with other junk I was finding. That night while watching TV it suddenly hit me that was the winning ticket. Dumped the garbage on the floor and found it. Definitely written in my hand. I taped it into Wes's baby book.

Fast forward to nine years ago when my grandson was born. My daughter asked for input on names. "Please, nothing blatantly hunting or fishing related. I'm not naming my kid Remington or Shimano." Hmmm. Figured I could trick her. "How about Parker?" Darned if she didn't like it. I didn't tell her until after the name was on the birth certificate that Parker Brothers manufactured probably the finest shotguns ever made in North America.
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27 years ago I wanted to name my son Zarek. Baby mama (refuse to even call her ex wife now). Said no way. So Trevor John was chosen.
I've been collecting names for my next puppy. Henry is high on the list. Tuco, Walter, Charles, and Huxley are up there too.

Meanwhile, I'm partial to "Brent" Simple, clean, easy to spell...

I like Gus too. I wonder why? :)

Congrats on the new hunting partner to be and best of luck.
Martin = at one time probably the most popular USA maker of fly reels.

Arthur Dodge [Surname] - He will become your Artful Dodger (Oliver Twist's scamp buddy)

Too bad your wife isn't expecting a girl. I've always liked the name Grizelda. My daughter wouldn't go for it though. Granddaughter is Ava.
I always thought Benjamin Samuel would be a good name. If I remember correctly there have been more supreme court justices named Benjamin than any other first name with Samuel following up in second place.

My wife was a school teacher so naming our son became more of a contest of finding a name that she didn't associate negatively with a particular student and we ended up with Eli.

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