My old girl is on her way out


Well-known member
Jul 1, 2019
Beaver-tron, Oregon
My sweet fur-baby is 15 years plus... a mini schnauzer... fiercely loyal to our family and full of love. She's slowing down, not doing well on eating, and getting thinner month over month. She's developed plenty of ... challenges... but nothing that I would put her down for. Whizzing at odd times, barking at nothing, and generally just being old and weird. I get the feeling she's close to being done with her time here but I'm not ready.

Talk me down folks. Tell me how to process this. I'm struggling.
It's very very hard. I lost a very close companion a couple of years ago. It was my wife's Papillion who bonded with me and became my sidekick. I worried about letting it go on too long. It is our responsibility to make sure our close friend does not suffer. I knew when it was time. It was a bad day for sure. It's still tough to think about. My belief system has her being with me again one day.
These are always tough threads. I’ve been in your position several times now and it’s always a difficult one to get through. You have to try and find comfort in the fact that you have given your dog the best life that you could.
Few things harder. Love em while they are with us. Sorry to hear.

I had a thread along the same vein a couple years back and it helped me.

Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit you would stay out and your dog will go in. (Roughly from Mark Twain) When it’s time I’m convinced that’s where she‘ll be.
Sorry to hear about your dog.

Sidenote why do people refer to their animals as a fur baby. It is a dog or animal. not calling out the OP but I had someone during introductions identify as a “dog mom” to “two wonderful fur babies” other day and it’s been bothering me ever since You’re not a dog mom you own an animal.

but I truly am sorry to hear about the animal that you own
That's a tough deal, @thatsjet

Everyone told us "you will know" when the time comes. It seems trite, but it's true. That pup will let you know when it's too much. Folks tend to hang on too long, and in the end it's the dog that hurts the most.

You are not putting down an old friend, you are giving your pal freedom. It hurts & it sucks but it will be ok. If you can have the vet come to your house, that helps both you & your dog.
Sidenote why do people refer to their animals as a fur baby. It is a dog or animal. not calling out the OP but I had someone during introductions identify as a “dog mom” to “two wonderful fur babies” other day and it’s been bothering me ever since You’re not a dog mom you own an animal.
You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but commenting on this thread with it was a pretty shitty thing to do. Regardless of your opinion on my "ownership" of her I call her my fur baby because I think of her as family.

Clearly you lack the compassion to treat an animal the same way. That's your loss, not mine.
Tough times. I've been there before and currently have a 14+ year old chocolate that could go anytime. They surprise you sometimes though. I had the appointment to put her down a year ago tomorrow because she hadn't moved for a few days, other than me carrying her out and back to go to the bathroom. The evening before the appointment she snapped out of it and is still going.

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