Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

My Job


New member
Oct 28, 2010
Newport, OR
I thought you guys might appreciate some pictures from my job. I am a NWFS (NOAA) Fisheries Observer. Basically my job is to go out on commercial fishing vessels and collect data on the fish caught and any marine mammals.I spend 12-20 days at sea a month. Most of my time has been spent of pink shrimp trawlers and long liners. I have been very fortunate to meet some really great crews which makes a job I already love even more enjoyable. Hope you like the pics

Some cool sight
James Island (1).jpg



Short-Spine Thorny Head (very tasty rockfish)
Canary Rockfish
Me standing beside 5000 lbs of shrimp
Large Spot Prawn
Northern Fur Seal
Dall's Porpoise
Cool stuff. The things some people get paid to do. ;) As they say, good work if you can find it. Thanks for sharing.
Awesome job you have. Talk to me baby! Where are the albacore this year? Thanks for sharing!

Their in the Ocean ;) They are actually catching them pretty close to shore some places 70-100 fathom line (20-30miles off shore), but most are still being caught 100+ miles out

Thanks everyone im glad you enjoy them!
I think if I were you I would be thanking God in on the west coast instead of the N. Atlantic. Or dose it just as bad out there ? I've done a few shark ternies in the N. Sea's and it can get bad.
I think if I were you I would be thanking God in on the west coast instead of the N. Atlantic. Or dose it just as bad out there ? I've done a few shark ternies in the N. Sea's and it can get bad.

It can be just as bad, but it is usually worse on the west coats especially off of the WA coast were im at, we had 19-22 footers the other day. We have lots of sharks up here as well, i feed blue sharks off the boat at night all of the time.