Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

MT Nov ducks

What Map

Active member
Jun 23, 2012
I bought a new camera: Nikon Coolpix p600. So have lots more pictures than usual. So here are some from the past few weeks of duck hunting.

Here's Bart at one of my blinds:

HT Bart+blind.jpg

Bart with a near limit:

HT Bart+limit.jpg

Bart with a rare (for MT) red head

HT Bart+Redhead#2.jpg

HT Bart+Redhead.jpg

Golden eye drake

HT Golden eye drake.jpg

Red Head and ring neck:

HT Redhaed+Ringneck.jpg

Sunrises and coots

HT Sunrise ducks #2.jpg

HT Sunrise ducks.jpg

Swans dropped in:

HT swans.jpg

Di and me with a few pheasants:

HT Di+SVT pheasants 2014.jpg
Very nice! I need to spend more time and effort in learning how to hunt waterfowl. Good times.
Great pics, and good to see the Mrs. hunting with you. Do you have a Peregrine Falcon? Pics of it and birds?
Shannon, great pics, love the color intensity of the second sunrise pic. I have been in an art mood lately so eyeing your feathers enviously. ;) Congratulations on your hunts.