Caribou Gear Tarp

Mt. Lion 2013

That's awesome everything worked out for a successful trip out. How many dogs were there? That must have been a rush that close. Good job!
That's awesome everything worked out for a successful trip out. How many dogs were there? That must have been a rush that close. Good job!

Rick just had two dogs. It was pretty exciting. Rick told me I could shoot it with a .22 (it is legal in idaho). Sooo, I brought my sons single shot rifle (its called a chipmunk). You shoud of seen Rick's face when I pulled that little thing out of my pack> He told me, "Coach, I tell everyone they can shoot them with a .22, but you are the first guy to actually do it" :D It was pretty awesome. One shot...he jumped about 4 feet up and landed on the limb...he climbed around the back of the tree and within 10seconds he was dead and falling out of the tree. It almost didn't seem real. Heck, I was in my bed hoping for a "snow day" only six hour prior.