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Mt. Lion 2013


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Kuna, Idaho
Laying in bed Friday morning hoping that the weather was bad enough that they close the schools down ( I teach in Kuna--not likely that we close due to weather. The week before, every school in the valley had closed up except for us). A little after 5:30 I got up to check the my phone to see if there were any messages. Sure enough, I had one. It was not from the school, it was from one of my former wrestlers. Rick had called and left a message at 5:30 am. It was an invite to go Mt. Lion hunting. At first I was excited, and then I looked outside and realized there was no chance of a snow day. Crap! I had to go to work. I texted my boss at 6:00am to see if she was up. She was. I explained the situation and she told me we could take care of the paper work when I got back on Monday. That was pretty awesome of her--she is not a hunter AT ALL. Next thing you know I am writing sub plans, throwing together my hunting gear, getting food and gas and driving to the mountains. Before you know it, I am chasing dogs up a snow covered mountain. Holy Crap--if I fell once, I fell 100 times! Rick covered the ground much better than I did. If he slipped--I fell. If he fell--I went for a toboggin ride! Finally, afer about a hour and a half, we were at the tree. It was pretty awesome. I had only seen two Mt. Lions in the wild, and now I was standing 30 feet from one. The rest is history. I want to thank Rick for remembering his old wrestling coach and giving me a great experience. He told me this was his way of appologizing for being such a pain in high school. I think he was paying me back for all the torture I had put him through in the wrestling room;)


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Congratulations on a great cat and boy does it ever look steep.
great looking cat!!! Cool to see that young man pay you back for what he felt was a rewarding experience having you as a coach.
Super on all accounts! Mtn Lion is quickly moving up my sliding scale of critters to hunt. Congrats.
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