MT FWP Commission - proposals

Sportsmen/women of Montana reap what they sow.

I used to somewhat regularly check legally blind hunters into regulated hunts - they had an assistant to SHOOT a weapon at a game animal.
People over a certain age only need a conservation license to fish - instead of ALL honoring the age old system of all outsdoorsmen/women paying for our resource(s).
You moved away? "Come home to hunt", Montana will help you out.
Veteran's licenses.
Student's licenses.
Kids get to hunt with Uncle Ed before they complete hunter's ed.
And kids get to hunt pheasants and deer before the general season.

All the above supported by many many folks.

And now somebody is surprised there's a push for more Montana Hunter Welfare?

As conservative as the hunting community seems, it sure appreciates special privileges, hand outs, and subsidies of it's own.

Rail away.........................
Rail away.........................

no railing here! I have a 3 and 6 year old who i hope will live hunting as much as I! Sure...I could benefit from the proposal. I would prefer my time be concentrated on them having a few great hunts in the early years. I’m guessing (hoping) this proposal is DOA...but I’m out of trust here.
I used the apprenticeship program with my 10 old GD. Did not even carry a gun.
Puts some pressure on the kids, that HAVE to make the shot.
She did one shot and a dead 4 point whitetail.
We practiced every week through the summer till the season.
An outstanding program I hate to see it get messed up.
Horrible idea - the adult needs to be focused on helping the youngster, not worrying about filling a tag for themselves.

A coworker took their kid out during the mentor season here this year and they were sitting on a field edge with a decoy out - all of a sudden BOOM - another youth blasted their decoy - dad wasn’t directly with the kid. He ended up apologizing profusely but the point is these young hunters NEED guidance otherwise they can wait until the regular season!
Horrible idea - the adult needs to be focused on helping the youngster, not worrying about filling a tag for themselves.

I’ve taken several adult onset hunters out for their first hunts... never even considered bringing a gun.
I hope they also allow the youth hunters and accompying adults to use e bikes to reach those bucks during the 2 day “youth” season. More opportunity because hunting bucks for 11 weeks just isn’t enough time.

Montana has cornered the market on pounding wildlife to a bloody pulp.
Why even have a youth hunt then. Who comes up with these proposals? And how does this benefit anyone or any organization...gotta be more money involved somewhere for the "resource preservers".

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