MT 331-50 Moose


Well-known member
Feb 17, 2016
Well the old man lucked out and drew a bull moose permit in unit 331. I am trying to do some research for him and am looking for any info I can find. So far I am waiting to hear back from the local biologist and a past tag holder. I did some archery elk hunting in the unit back in college, but I didn't hunt a very big area so I haven't seen much of the unit. A good friend of mine who rifle hunts the area is coming along for the hunt so that will be helpful. Having never hunted moose before, I am looking for general info like calling tips, what kind of habitat to look for, etc. If anyone has more specific info like people to contact about the unit or spots to concentrate on then that would be great. Feel free to PM me, any info I can get is appreciated.
Grunts and cow calls are surprisingly easy to learn and master. My limited experience is be patient and persistent when calling because a bull moose may take a while to arrive. There should be plenty of country to glass so bring a pair of good binos and a spotter.

Here's a bad picture of 2 bull moose while snooping around that country. I had bumped a cow not 10 minutes before.

Now that he's been drawn divert all of your attention to finding moose. Have a spare weekend...go find moose. Have a few trail cams...set them up and go find moose. Got paid holidays off...go find moose. I also strongly recommend doing as much hunting as humanly possibly before rifle season because that country can be a damn mess with people.
The moose are pretty visible in that unit. Scout a bunch this summer and circle every willowy creek bottom on the map. During the rut rotate through those spots methodically. Call a TON. Moose are incredibly vocal and are very anxious to give up their location.
Don't overlook the high country early in the season. I see a lot of moose up high in the canyons while archery hunting elk.
Are moose more visible in the summer like deer and elk are? I am debating on going and doing a scouting trip over there.
Moose will definitely be visible morning and evenings. You will see some coming out of the aspen draws to feed and you can also see them when they cross open areas from dark timber to dark timber. If nothing else look for those pockets of willows and aspen that Randy mentioned and keep those in mind. Even if you don't see moose in there now, they will be there come Sept and Oct. You probably won't see many moose in the high country unless you put boots on the ground and walk the dark timber but they are definitely there.
Also, I'm taking it for granted you will be hunting before the general elk/deer season? I would highly recommend making sure you fill the tag before it turns into road hunter zoo. Moose are still there but won't be as visible with the rut being over and with all the hunter pressure.
Thanks for the advice Gerald. If I was wanting to actually lay eyes on moose in the summer, would you say the aspen draws are better places to look than the willow bottoms? If I make a scouting trip I would mainly be getting to know the roads and finding out which bottoms look the best, but it would still be cool to see some bulls even if they won't necessarily be hanging out there during the rut. We plan on hunting the first couple weeks of October so we will be hunting before the general rifle season.
I see more in the mid to upper elevations this time of year. But then again , I saw a huge bull wandering the sage hills of Robb Creek the in mid July.
I think Crittergitter's friend had a tag in this unit a couple years ago. Might be worth reaching out to him.

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