Caribou Gear Tarp

mountain goat recipes ???


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2018
Bozeman, MT
Any of you fellow goat hunters care to share your preference for cooking/grilling mountain goat roasts or steaks? Need some inspiration for experimenting with a rear roast
Tag. Rifle. Goat. Bang. Fire. Yum......I mean seriously.... How many of us can proclaim that we actually climbed a BIG Ass mountain and tagged a goat?
Any of you fellow goat hunters care to share your preference for cooking/grilling mountain goat roasts or steaks? Need some inspiration for experimenting with a rear roast
Sorry about my jokey grind pic. In my experience the meat was very flavorful but very tough so I went with grind on all portions after my steak cut attempts. My only experience is with mature billies (brag wedge). :p
Sorry about my jokey grind pic. In my experience the meat was very flavorful but very tough so I went with grind on all portions after my steak cut attempts. My only experience is with mature billies (brag wedge). :p
I think its funny. My dad always jokes with me that he is going to grind the whole animal, no matter what it is, tenderloins and all