Caribou Gear Tarp

Most unorthodox, questionable, or down right weird hunting techniques that you have seen or heard about

Old guy in Kalispell used to talk about chasing pronghorn and shooting them from the back of a truck. Bet they tasted great!
My friend told me I was missing out on the best way to stand-hunt whitetails. Apparently getting there in the dark, decked out in camo with everything scent-treated was a waste of time.

He told me to stay up late with a 6-pack, and fill up a nalgene with piss, sleep in and stumble out there in carharts dump the bottle of rank pee on a scrape and watch the magic happen.

I had 3 groups of deer come in to that scrape mid-day, and yes I will be repeating that tactic again.
My friend told me I was missing out on the best way to stand-hunt whitetails. Apparently getting there in the dark, decked out in camo with everything scent-treated was a waste of time.

He told me to stay up late with a 6-pack, and fill up a nalgene with piss, sleep in and stumble out there in carharts dump the bottle of rank pee on a scrape and watch the magic happen.

I had 3 groups of deer come in to that scrape mid-day, and yes I will be repeating that tactic again.
I've read many times that the best option for estrous scent is to drag is a used tampon.
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Reaping turkeys seems ridiculous…I tried it,and got within range. I never had a tom come after me like they show on YouTube, but it was fun and I will try it again.
Growing up in SC, the Savannah River Site dog drive deer hunt always seemed "different"....never tried it.

Sign up, show up, get on bus, get dropped off at specified time they let the dogs loose and after that if it's brown it's down. Collect your winnings from the fridge truck after radioactivity testing.

In NC they just park the truck on the side of the road and wait for an unfortunate spike to cross from the land they don't have permission to run dogs on.
Reaping turkeys seems ridiculous…I tried it,and got within range. I never had a tom come after me like they show on YouTube, but it was fun and I will try it again.
Like moths to a light bulb…I’m 4/4 on my most recent toms reeled in with a fan. Next year I’m thinking of fashioning a stake so I have 2 free hands to shoot while the birds are still distracted. My biggest worry is some idiot shooting me in the face though.
From what I’m reading we should add idiotic, dangerous, and unethical to the list. Here’s a story that encompasses all three.

When I was a wee lad (14) my buddy Kelly’s sister’s boyfriend took us hunting. We will call him Scott because he was a jackass and that was his name…

We rode out into the Deerlodge Valley in an old 1980 baby blue Ford Fairlane that my Kelly’s Dad had given him because he was dead broke. We were young and desperate to go hunting. We had watched a literal metric shit ton of hunting videos and this was our big chance.

Next thing we knew we’re walking the breaks above the Warm Springs Ponds. He told us it was legal… I had my Remington Model 777 in 308 with a fixed 4 power Bushnell scope, a real sniper rifle. Scott was packing a Mossberg ‘06 with iron sights. A man’s rifle!!! It was also given to the mouth breather by Kelly’s Dad…

Kelly and I spotted some deer about 300 Yards away in some sage brush. We hit the dirt, and started planning as we dove into our vast knowledge obtained by hunting videos. We glassed and spotted the biggest non-typical mulie I’ve ever seen hunting. We crapped ourselves and I started to army crawl through the sage brush because I knew it was too far for ol’ deadeye Nick. Kelly was too young too hunt still.

BOOM, I shit you not, Scott shot right over the top of us at who knows what. I turned and looked and this stupid son of a b is standing upright blasting rounds threw that piece of pawn shop steal like no other. We were terrified, but…

I turned back to the deer and they were running everywhere. That big buck was tucked under a sage brush and had just dropped his head. I thought what hell, and set up for a shot. I was shaking like a leaf, and I tried to steady myself over my crappy school backpack. All while a minimum of 5 rounds were thrown to who knows where. I squeezed… and poof there was a blast of snow right underneath the buck. He literally sprinted out of his bed with a roost of snow flying behind him.

We turned to Scott and quickly learned he had never seen the big buck and was blasting at a little forky. What a freakin’ unethical, idiot, and dangerous pile of cow shiz that guy was and I’m sure still is.

We went and checked for blood. Nothing, and thank God for that.
Like moths to a light bulb…I’m 4/4 on my most recent toms reeled in with a fan. Next year I’m thinking of fashioning a stake so I have 2 free hands to shoot while the birds are still distracted. My biggest worry is some idiot shooting me in the face though.
I remember reading an article I think may have been posted here or on RS forum about a guy getting shot doing that. It seems like it would be fun if you didn’t have to worry about Billy Bob shoooting you thinking you’re an actual turkey
Like moths to a light bulb…I’m 4/4 on my most recent toms reeled in with a fan. Next year I’m thinking of fashioning a stake so I have 2 free hands to shoot while the birds are still distracted. My biggest worry is some idiot shooting me in the face though.
I’ll be curious to see your setup. I used a fan from last year. I’m not going to try it on public anytime soon.
My friend told me I was missing out on the best way to stand-hunt whitetails. Apparently getting there in the dark, decked out in camo with everything scent-treated was a waste of time.

He told me to stay up late with a 6-pack, and fill up a nalgene with piss, sleep in and stumble out there in carharts dump the bottle of rank pee on a scrape and watch the magic happen.

I had 3 groups of deer come in to that scrape mid-day, and yes I will be repeating that tactic again.
Whitetail biologist Larry Weisshun ( I think I spelled that right ) has said that he has drank a lot coffee a lot while deer hunting just so he could pee in scrapes more. He swears by it.
. My biggest worry is some idiot shooting me in the face though.
Keeps me from trying it. Never underestimate the amount of idiot's out there.
Whitetail biologist Larry Weisshun ( I think I spelled that right ) has said that he has drank a lot coffee a lot while deer hunting just so he could pee in scrapes more. He swears by it.
No spellcheck but I'm going with weishuln 🤣. Were probably both wrong. Read and watched that guy a ton growing up
guy I know had heard a few scattered shots one winter and was missing a couple of nice bucks he had been seeing quite regular. one night about 2am he went out on the back porch to wizz, heard atv about 1/4 mi away, got his pistol, light and started walking down field road toward atv. got behind atv and followed it couple hundred yds. 30 something gal on atv with spotlight plugged in shining for deer. her husband was 100 yd away walking parallel to her carrying his own spotlight, a full size car battery and deer rifle. owner yelled, they both haul ass; owner ended up with a nice battery and spotlight. I was at local taxidermist a few months later, noticed unusually large 10 pt that had the gal's name on it.. taxi said she'd bring in a whopper or 3 every year! husband druggie ended up murdering her.
guy I know had heard a few scattered shots one winter and was missing a couple of nice bucks he had been seeing quite regular. one night about 2am he went out on the back porch to wizz, heard atv about 1/4 mi away, got his pistol, light and started walking down field road toward atv. got behind atv and followed it couple hundred yds. 30 something gal on atv with spotlight plugged in shining for deer. her husband was 100 yd away walking parallel to her carrying his own spotlight, a full size car battery and deer rifle. owner yelled, they both haul ass; owner ended up with a nice battery and spotlight. I was at local taxidermist a few months later, noticed unusually large 10 pt that had the gal's name on it.. taxi said she'd bring in a whopper or 3 every year! husband druggie ended up murdering her.
I wasn't expecting that ending!😳
I've read many times that the best option for estrous scent is to drag is a used tampon.
This sounds like some junk Steve Rinella would say on a podcast. It would go something like this. “ Hey Jani a guy wrote in and said they used to drag used tampons to mimic estrous. You ever heard of that? “ followed by a long pause and a round of laughter.
It was right after season opener for deer. This guy at work went hunting (in my zone). I asked him if he had any luck. He says no, just a couple of brush shots. I asked what a “brush” shot was. He says, “ You know, you hear something in a bush, you shoot into the bush, but nothing comes of it”. I gave him shliatt, telling him how stupid and dangerous that was. It’s that kind of thing that makes the whole country think all us Californians are that stupid.

I was going to say this. Lots of blind shots happening back home... "I thought I'd heard something"
This sounds like some junk Steve Rinella would say on a podcast. It would go something like this. “ Hey Jani a guy wrote in and said they used to drag used tampons to mimic estrous. You ever heard of that? “ followed by a long pause and a round of laughter.
You know if there are people out there who think eating tide pods are a good idea, somebody has proposed the idea to their girlfriend/wife to "help" lure that big buck in.
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