Caribou Gear

Most bizarre thing I've ever seen antelope hunting!


New member
Oct 10, 2016
A few years ago, while hunting north of Harlowton, Mt., I was watching a herd for twenty or so antelope that was right out in an open field. Nothing to stalk behind and no way to approach these animals for hundreds of yards. Basically, I was waiting to see which way they were going to move, and hoping it would be MY way. As I watched, I saw another hunter start crossing this wide open space toward the herd. Both this hunter and the pronghorns were hundreds of yards from me, and I was using my binos. I was ready to have a good laugh as I was sure these goats were not going to hang around for more than a blink of an eye before taking off. And maybe they would run right into me. As I watched this scenario, something REALLY strange happened. Basically, the herd did not move. The guy kept getting closer and closer, and walking perfectly upright, across a wide open flat field. The animals surely were able to see him for quite a while as he approached. Finally, he walked right into the herd - I mean he was actually between antelope. Maybe as close as fifty yards, or closer, to some of them. I know this was a hunter as he was wearing orange and carrying rifle. I kept waiting for him to shoot, but he never did. Finally, after several minutes of him standing and moving through the herd, the animals got nervous and took off. Although this whole event occurred several hundred yards from me, I got a really good look at what was going on. Even so, I thought I had lost me mind! Later, when I rejoined my hunting companion, he verified what I had seen (and that I was sane) because he, too, had observed the whole thing from another vantage point. To this day, I am regretful that I did not take off after this mysterious hunter and ask him how the hell he had done that. Besides thinking we were on some sort of hallucinogenic drugs, which we weren't, does anyone have any idea of how this guy was able to accomplish this feat? (I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP!)
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Where was the sun, low enough for him to walk in with it right behind him?
Maybe he was using an antelope call. I have seen one used to calm a herd and get a hunter in close but not right in amongst 'em.
He was wearing hunter orange and no camo from what I could tell and could be seen for miles, I am sure. I don't know if he was wearing scentlok.
Sun was high as it was in the middle of the day. It HAS occurred to me that he may have been using a call which might have confused the animals. But even that would have been remarkable because they were able to see him for such a long time - long before he would have been close enough for them to even hear a call. it's just weird!
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I have had antelope walk up to me within 50yds and keep pace along side me. Have also had them come fairly close and mill around before strolling off again. They do some weird stuff. I have never just walked up to them though.
I have had antelope walk up to me within 50yds and keep pace along side me. Have also had them come fairly close and mill around before strolling off again. They do some weird stuff. I have never just walked up to them though.

Yeah weird stuff is right! I just helped a guy, who drew a tuff tag, get access onto a great antelope property that a friend has here in N. Calif. That land owner tells me that he can't go out and work on the pivots for more than half a hour and every lope on the place will come from all points and almost completely surround the guy, many of them are stones throwing distance away, and there usually is at least one booner type and several trophy quality ones among the groups. He has to shoo them off similar to curious cattle.

The last lope i took, he was dry humping a hay bale not too long before i really screwed up his
I don't know, man. Pronghorn are weird creatures. I watch them every day on my land and the best way I can describe them is they are like teenage cats....
I was on a hill glassing deer and had a herd below me. They saw me and I saw them and after looking at me for a good five minutes, then started running....towards me. They got within about 20 yards, froze, then ran away from me around the hill back to the same spot...20 yds from me. At this point I yelled at them and they tool off the right direction away from me....weirdos, man, weirdos
We'll at least you didn't start your story with . . . "Once while at band camp . . . . " or maybe worse "Once at a CPA conference. . . ". ��
i saw a video of a guy crouching in nothing but jeans and a tee w/ a call and walked right up on a buck as it watched him the entire time... can't think of the guys name at the moment.
They can be goofy. One can see you a quarter mile or more away and run off, the next one gets curious and walks up to see what is going on. We've had them walk up to within 20 yards when hunting.
One time long long ago in a far off place call Wyoming, Khunter and I were chasing a lope around with our bows. He spooked and left an area with lots of good bow cover and was also headed the wrong direction towards private land.

I decided I'd just stroll out there in plain sight and spook him back to the good area, didn't bother taking my bow because he was going to spook as soon as he saw me right? Right.......................6D246F8F-2702-472B-BB9C-A41D406F6749.jpg