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More solo fishing.


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Since the state of AZ failed to issue me an elk tag, I decided to console myself with a last solo trip
to the foothills, next week the high country opens. ( the photos will be more scenic, and hopefully the trout bigger).

It’s hard to take good fishing selfies while steering the boat and trying to release the fish un harmed.
Boated 15 Bows between 12 and 17 inches, then the wind kicked up and chased me off the lake.

I was a half hour late for the dawn patrol.

My home made trolling rig was on fire.
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By 11:30 the wind was blowing, with the electric at full speed, my GPS said I was going 1mph, I look up and realized I was going 1 mph backwards.
Time to head for the barn.