Moosies Back, Idaho Boulder Creek Hunt


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
Well, I'm back. Not with the der that I wanted but I'm back non-the-less :p

I'll keep it short for I'm trying to catch up with the real world but it was a great week long hunt.

This first picture is a nice (Not big but character) Whitetail I Videoed and took pictures of for 40 minutes the first day. I kind of got attached to the guy so I let him walk.


The next picture is the result of helping a Co-hunter get out a 6 point bull and having the Bull slip and an Antler hitting me in the face knocking me off the ground downhill. I’ve flown 10’ from a punch in the face but never from an Elk. There is a first for everything. I'm just glad it didn't break the nose, Although I was sore for days !!!


The last 2 are of my buck. He’s just a dink (PICTURES MAKE HIM LOOK ALOT BIGGER THEN IT REALLY WAS UNFORTUNATELY) but I’m working with the outfitter to head back next year and get what I was looking for. I do not regret passing up the bucks earlier in the week.



The guys (Outfitters and Guides) with Boulder Creek were top knotch. It's bad in the morning when you wake up and your legs aren't sore but your sides are from laughing and giggling around the campfire all night long. (The crown and coke didn't ease all the pain but helped ;) )

There were many good bucks and I passed up over 6 bucks way bigger then I ever shot in my life. Not that it wasa a hard feat but that place has some Fetching toads. I missed one the last morning that was ... well, I don't need to say how big it was because I'm still waking up every morning in a cold sweat because I F@#@$ed it up..... :(

I was offered to go back in a couple weeks for a WhiteTail since I didn't get one but I'm not sure I'll have time. I'm already eating a utah deer tag and Idaho Elk tag... I know, Poor Moosie ;)

It’s good to be back home…… for a few days at least ;)

check your PM's when you get the time.
Nice buck Moosie. That's your second largest isn't it? Even if it's not it looks good all the same. In regards to the nose OUCH! I had a bungee cord do the same thing to me last week as I was unloading the back of my pick up while antelope hunting. Came flying off and smacked me square in the nose. Hurt like a bad mutha.
Welcome back and congrats on the muley. Looks like the elk are trying to get their revenge on you and give you a little character :D :D :D
Nice job on the deer. As for the nose . . . you gotta remember, antlers are like boobies in some aspects, fun to look at, fun to touch, fun to hold and fun to measure. You just can't go around motorboating antlers though cause they'll mess you up. :D
Nice job on the deer. As for the nose . . . you gotta remember, antlers are like boobies in some aspects, fun to look at, fun to touch, fun to hold and fun to measure. You just can't go around motorboating antlers though cause they'll mess you up. :D
That's funny right there. Congrats moosie on your buck. I'm sure you'll make time to head up for atleast a day on your whity hunt.
Good looking deer moosie, hope you get the chance to go and get that whitetail!
Any Guess's on the Size of the buck ? (For those that don't know)

Spitz, I laughed coke out my nose :D
Any Guess's on the Size of the buck ? (For those that don't know)

Spitz, I laughed coke out my nose :D
I guess I'll be the first one to post a guess. Since you really don't show us the width I'm guessing he's a not very wide maybe 26". Looks like he has decent mass with above average length. I'd put him at 172 gross and 165 net. What do I win?
Nice job, Oscar! I'll guess you didn't make your 170 minimum: 164 gross and 160 net. And yes, I'm serious; no, I'm not trying to be a... ;)
congrats moosie, glad you had a great time, and it's a great buck because of that, no matter what it scores.

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