Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System



New member
Nov 17, 2004
Fruitland, Idaho
Hey Moosie,
How are things going? Havent seen anything from the DHI recently....how are things going in that department? When is the next banquet?
How did your hunts turn out this year? You arent on MM very often anymore that I have seen so I dont really know what has been goin on. Find any sheds out hunting?
talk to you later
Sup Kid !!!! Years been pretty good. DHI Banquet is Feb 26th. I've been busy with work, this place, my family and doing the DHI stuff. You guys going again ? I haven't seen any sheds, I saw you had a Post about sheds but Haven't replied to it yet. Your guys getting the DHI newsletters still ?~?

Lifes been good and Huntings been jsut as good. Been on a few hunts and a few hikes, Other then that here is a brief overview :









Good summary of your year Moose. We need to have one of those "no reply" threads at the end to the season to summarize everyones year in pictures. Or least let every show themselves in the ugliest cap/hat contest. :D
Ugliest hat contest? That wouldnt be very fair..who here amoung us has worste taste then Moosie??? Talk about a shoe in for that contest.. Vegas odds for anyone else winning would be a million to 1.. :D
MtMiller... Send Pictures and Videos to me. I'm putting together a DVD of everyone.....

Browtine, I'd go toe to toe with anyone on hats :p
Dang moosie what a friggin great year for you . Congrats . So did you have to hike your ass off as well you humorous moosie . Lol .

later , hunter cameron
hunter cameron said:
Dang moosie what a friggin great year for you . Congrats . So did you have to hike your ass off as well you humorous moosie . Lol .

later , hunter cameron
Are you saying I'm fat ?!?!!? ;)

We do Hike quite a bit. I'm not in the Best of shape right now but this year was one of my better years for being in shape with the drawing of the sheep tag and all.
No your a slim moosie . You been out doing that kungfoo fighting moosie lmao lol. Hey check out that buck I posted of my friend moosie.

later , hunter cameron
I actually noticed that the "Goose Hunting Moosie" wasn't quite as slim as "Sheep Hunting Moosie". You got some kind of weird Oprah yo yo weight thing goin gon oscar?
YAH :) I can Gain and losoe 10-15 pounds in a week. the first place it shows in in the face. I can Hide the gut a little, but the face shows it ;)

Cameron, I'll go check it out bud !!!
I cant wait until next years hunts come it will be even better . Hey moosie you should make a waterfowl forum . Or one called uplandgame.

later , hunter cameron
Well Daym Moosie that is Alot of Hunts... How did you get So many deer, Did you go out of state or are some of those friends deer. Anyhow

I want to get a hunttalk DVD....How Can I get these Kool things
hunter cameron said:
I cant wait until next years hunts come it will be even better . Hey moosie you should make a waterfowl forum . Or one called uplandgame.

later , hunter cameron
Uhhhhhhhh........... :confused:

Never mind that sh** I said lol . I wasnt paying attention . Well arent you the leader of this forum moosie ?
Uhhhhhhhh......... :confused:

By "LEADER" what are you implying ? I sure don't take credit for all these guy's success's or failures ;) If you're asking if I'm the "MOOISE" in Moosie's HuntTalk.com , Then yes, thats me :D

Everyone else runs this place though, I just post alot of pictures and Silly hat stuff ;)
(NOTE to self, Don't tell the new people that everyone else teases Moosie and this isn't a place were the owner demands repect automatically ;) )

HAil to the KING ?!?!?! I like it......... hump hump

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