NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Montana on the Upswing?

Some people read the internet too much and listen to all the negativity.first I went to Montana this year for the first time and have never been there before and killed a 160 inch muley 1000 yards from a highway...
What time of year was that by the way.
Saskatchewan and Alberta have had CWD for probably the same amount of time but....... they continue to produce the biggest mule deer in the world. In Saskatchewan not everyone gets a rifle tag or muzzle loader tag however you can get a archery tag every year. Their season isn't 11 weeks long, only special permits get to hunt the rut, no non resident can hunt Saskatchewan for mule deer. The list goes on and on. All while dealing with CWD that's NEVER going away. 🤷‍♂️
I live and hunt near the border. Deer numbers are very similar. The number of mature mule deer bucks only minutes across the border compared to our side is truly amazing. They seem to know better than to jump the fence in November though....most of the time.
The tree struggle is real. I know of a domestic 15' Blue Spruce that is now a 3' stump. Pissed off homeowner is offering a reward. No, not Mrs. Fin.
Being that my favorite honey hole was overharvested (see above), we had to dive deep into the backcountry for a DIY extreme public land tree hunt. I used OnXmaps to avoid getting lost and also to track how far we were in from the truck. I once drug a tree with my kids about a mile, but usually I don't have to drag one 1/4 mile. This was yesterday's track, one-way after cutting it down, a full figured 10-footer. No BS.
Being that my favorite honey hole was overharvested (see above), we had to dive deep into the backcountry for a DIY extreme public land tree hunt. I used OnXmaps to avoid getting lost and also to track how far we were in from the truck. I once drug a tree with my kids about a mile, but usually I don't have to drag one 1/4 mile. This was yesterday's track, one-way after cutting it down, a full figured 10-footer. No BS.
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Your standards are just too high.
Your standards are just too high.
I'm a trophy tree hunter. Tree snob.

I've had the feeling before, usually with a dead elk laying at my feet, thinking, what have I done how am I going to get this out of here? I had help thankfully.

You can find those trees guys. They exist. You just have to go farther into the backcountry and put in your time. Or, just find a nice place off Triple Tree Rd. south of town. It's a lot like hunting for a nice mule deer.
I shouldve taken a picture,
I'm a trophy tree hunter. Tree snob.

I've had the feeling before, usually with a dead elk laying at my feet, thinking, what have I done how am I going to get this out of here? I had help thankfully.

You can find those trees guys. They exist. You just have to go farther into the backcountry and put in your time. Or, just find a nice place off Triple Tree Rd. south of town. It's a lot like hunting for a nice mule deer.
I should've taken a picture of ours this season. She's a real beaut Clark. Pushin 12'. Nice work on the deluxe tree. Daughter got herself a nice 4 footer for the basement. Adds a little habitat for the mounts
I'm a trophy tree hunter. Tree snob.

I've had the feeling before, usually with a dead elk laying at my feet, thinking, what have I done how am I going to get this out of here? I had help thankfully.

You can find those trees guys. They exist. You just have to go farther into the backcountry and put in your time. Or, just find a nice place off Triple Tree Rd. south of town. It's a lot like hunting for a nice mule deer.
Pic or it didn't happen. But I'd disguise the background so others don't find your new honey hole.
It’s a spruce. I have great video of my better half pulling it up a big long hill. More impressive than the 7,mag lady’s big deer.
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I'm calling you out as a poser. All true tree snobs know it's Noble or nothing! hahaha

I cut a spruce once, but when I had to wear leather gloves to put lights on it I said never again.
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I'm a trophy tree hunter. Tree snob.

I've had the feeling before, usually with a dead elk laying at my feet, thinking, what have I done how am I going to get this out of here? I had help thankfully.

You can find those trees guys. They exist. You just have to go farther into the backcountry and put in your time. Or, just find a nice place off Triple Tree Rd. south of town. It's a lot like hunting for a nice mule deer.
part of me expected a trophy pic with the whole "crew" who helped in the harvest.:)
I swear I was sayin these things about the seasons being too liberal in order to sustain the populations years ago and just got told to shut up and hunt harder.

Some people read the internet too much and listen to all the negativity.first I went to Montana this year for the first time and have never been there before and killed a 160 inch muley 1000 yards from a highway...

I killed a 171” buck 250 yards from the highway last month in Montana. What’s your point? If it’s your first time then you don’t have anything to compare it to.

They need to eliminate all mule deer Doe tags statewide. Add the revenue from the would be doe tags to the NR buck tag cost.

I lived in Montana from 2006-2017 and I’ll gladly pay $1000 for just a deer tag to ensure the does don’t get whacked.
Last time I checked a mule deer buck started his life in the uterus of a female deer so why kill the ones that reproduce.