Montana Hirschjagd


Active member
Apr 20, 2011
Hamilton, MT
This season I had the pleasure to hunt with a good friend of mine from Germany. Martin and I met through our wives who went to school together and then later worked together. Before Martin and his wife moved back home, we spent a great deal of time hunting bear together in the Root. He had never taken a big game animal and I ended up shooting a bear when he wasn't with me, while his tag went unfilled. Since then we have been planning another hunt that might have more successful prospects and although everybody wants a big elk, I figured deer was the best target. I spent a great deal of time hunting before Martin came over with not much luck in locating any bucks and was getting a little nervous for our prospects. His first day out didn't produce any buck sightings (on huntable land anyway) but we saw some great country. That night however, the weather turned nasty and it got cold and started snowing. The next morning the snow and cold continued and we headed out on some block management I had never set foot on. Very shortly we located a herd of muleys with a nice buck in it but it was going to be a very difficult stalk in the cold and snow that would culminate in a 300 yard shot. We discussed it and it was decided I would attempt the stalk by myself as I didn't think 2 people could do it without spooking the deer out and 300 yards was pushing Martin's self imposed shooting limit. I snuck up on the herd as they were bedded. I could only see the tips of one doe's ears but knew the buck was close as I watched him bed nearby. I set up for a 300 yard shot and waited for him to stand. And waited, and waited. All in all I sat on my knees in the snow for 2 hours and just as the weather started to clear the doe stood and I knew it was time. Shortly after the buck stood up and my shot was true.

After getting my buck out we decided I needed some dry clothes and hot food for the afternoon hunt as it was bitterly cold and I got a little wet sitting in the snow. So we headed in to town and regrouped. After lunch we headed back out and a couple hours before dark we started to see some deer movement on the river bottom. As I watched a couple muley does through my spotter I saw a good whitetail buck ghost by along the tree line from a mile away. We figured there was no way we'd find him but there were a lot of other deer moving so we decided to still hunt along the edge of the trees and the field hoping to see something. After we had walked a half mile Martin tapped me on the shoulder and said there's a deer right there. I looked and saw the whitetail buck we had spotted from the truck at fifty yards and closing. Martin did not hesitate and set up on the shooting sticks for a shot. As the buck passed between two cottonwoods at 50 yards he dropped it in it's tracks with a high shoulder shot. I'm pretty sure they heard us whooping all they way in town after his shot. It was a nice 4 point with a split brow on one side and a damn fine first buck. He decided on a shoulder mount and it is destined to hang next to his northern pike mount from Peck that he caught on one of our ice fishing trips when he lived here.

As we had the bucks taken care of in one day we decide a little fishing and doe hunting was in order. I filled one of my muley tags but the whitetail does weren't cooperating for Martin as well as his buck had.

Here's a couple shots of the sunset on the last evening of our doe hunt.

Gotta love the fellowship hunting provides. Good pics all but the sunsets are truly amazing. Thx for the share Lion.
A great story that illustrates the other values found in hunting. Congrats to all.
Very well done on all accounts! I'd be interested in hearing your friends thoughts on the trip and how soon he plans on doing it again!
Thanks guys.

We have talked about a return trip but he saved for 2 years to do this, and it would be at least another 2-3 years before he could come back. Not sure what he payed for airfare but it is $300 to ship the shoulder mount home plus $470 for the mount.

Holy smokes - what a trip! That is awesome success - time for some German sausage.

Great story! It's tough to beat a couple nice bucks, some freezer meat, and a mess of trout.

Martin is quite eager to learn about all of the aspects of the hunt including turning the kill into food. Where he is from what we do is frowned on by most and some of his facebook photos have gotten a little flack. But he is right up in there and helped butcher the deer and smoke the trout. We have definitely enjoyed the fruits of our labor.

Das ist Toll!!

Eins, tzwei, drei hirsch auf dem boden warrent der Jagt. Fische, auch. Das ist fantastich!!!

Ihr habt gut gemacht. Einmal will ich ein Roebuck in die Schweitz sheissen. Das ware geil!!! Ich denke das die Alpen und Montana sind die tzwei schonsten platze in der welt!!! Und am besten wen es Jagen zeit ist.

Holy crap my German has gone to hell. Let alone trying to spell with an iPhone on auto spell. Good job.

Alles Gute!!!!!!
Eins, tzwei, drei hirsch auf dem boden warrent der Jagt. Fische, auch. Das ist fantastich!!!

Ihr habt gut gemacht. Einmal will ich ein Roebuck in die Schweitz sheissen. Das ware geil!!! Ich denke das die Alpen und Montana sind die tzwei schonsten platze in der welt!!! Und am besten wen es Jagen zeit ist.

Holy crap my German has gone to hell. Let alone trying to spell with an iPhone on auto spell. Good job.

Alles Gute!!!!!!

One, tzwei, three deer on the ground warrent the scramble. Fish, too. This is fantastic spot!

You have done well. Once I want sheissen a Roebuck in the Schweitz. That would be cool! I think that the Alps and Montana are the most beautiful tzwei burst in the world! And best who it is hunting time.

My german (other than a few choice dirty words) is nonexistent. This is what google translator gives me :D...I'll have Martin read it though.

He flies home today and yesterday was our last day to hunt. We went out after birds and ended up having to shoot our way out of a mess of cotton tails, I think he bagged 11of them LOL! I'll try to get some pics up later. Time for hasenpfeffer!
The birds weren't biting yesterday but Martin was not about to pass up the opportunity to take a bushel of rabbits. Pretty fun day despite the lack of feathers.

What a great time to have with a friend!! Nice looking "butcher shop" you got ging there as well. Groß Gott!!!
That looks like a hell of a good time. Delicious as well...

Congrats on the whole mixed bag buddy.
Cottontails are fun and very tasty. Looks like its time for some Hasenpfeffer!! :D

I wish we still had rabbits in numbers that warrented chasing them around here. Growing up, my dad and grandpa had beagles. That was our after deer season activity. Loads of fun.
Cottontails are fun and very tasty. Looks like its time for some Hasenpfeffer!! :D

I wish we still had rabbits in numbers that warrented chasing them around here. Growing up, my dad and grandpa had beagles. That was our after deer season activity. Loads of fun.

You should see this property we were hunting, it was literally infested. I've never seen so many rabbit tracks in my life. We were talking with the landowner and he mentioned the plague of rabbits he had and Martin kindly volunteered his services to help reduce their numbers :D When I talked to the landowner after the hunt he sounded pretty happy we took that many. I didn't even load my gun all day and let Martin get in as much shooting as he could. The thing is you could go back today and do it again.
Good times! I haven't shot a rabbit in 15 years, but they are thick this year and had me thinking I might go get a couple later this winter.
You should see this property we were hunting, it was literally infested. I've never seen so many rabbit tracks in my life. We were talking with the landowner and he mentioned the plague of rabbits he had and Martin kindly volunteered his services to help reduce their numbers :D When I talked to the landowner after the hunt he sounded pretty happy we took that many. I didn't even load my gun all day and let Martin get in as much shooting as he could. The thing is you could go back today and do it again.
That would be FUN! If you like hunting with dogs, chasing rabbits with beagles should be on a bucket list. Good, good times!
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