Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana Archery Elk Hunt - Now live on YouTube

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Many of you know that last fall Corey Jacobsen and I did an archery elk hunt here in Montana. Corey would say it was a grouse hunt. I warned him in advance.

We have now made that hunt live on YouTube. See the link below.


It might not have ended how we hoped, but I did get to eat a lot of grouse that week. And, we had a ton of fun. For the old line applied, "Don't pass on the first day that which you would shoot on the last," this hunt was a good example.

Good news is that we drew New Mexico archery elk tags for this year, so we will get a chance to redeem ourselves.

We also have added four "Hub Content" videos listed below:

Our discussion on Corey's diligent attention to the wind -

Discussion on Elk Calling Basics –

Quick video on Elk Calls used in this video -

Clothing system we use for September archery hunts (elk or grouse) -

I hope you like the YouTube style of distribution. We could have done a hundred different hub videos. Looking for any feedback of "hub content" you would like us to film when we are in New Mexico next month.

Thanks for watching. Thanks for sharing if you are so inclined.
Awesome videos. I bought the grunt tube Corey was using after I watched it. Hopefully it helps me out in Colorado in a few weeks.
That was really good watchin. With my physical problems that's probably as close as I will ever come to experiencing a mountain hunt like that again. Also good to see Corey Jacobsen in action. 12 years ago I was researching Idaho for a place to take 2 nephews on a mentored deer hunt. Corey suggested a cow elk hunt and offered to help. The timing of the cow hunt didn't work as well for the nephews so we stuck with the deer hunt which worked out really well, 4x4 & 4x3, but what an offer from Corey to help complete strangers. Class act all the way.
Great episode Fin. I love hunting grizzly and wolf country just for the sparse crowds. Did you see any griz on your trip? Love having the episodes available on YouTube.
Great episode Fin. I love hunting grizzly and wolf country just for the sparse crowds. Did you see any griz on your trip? Love having the episodes available on YouTube.

Didn't see any up close, and for which I am thankful. We saw a lot of fresh grizz tracks; pretty much every day. I was looking for grouse more than grizz. I wanted to add all the grouse slooshing from this hunt, but the editor thought it would really be a grouse episode then, so many of those got cut out. After watching it, I am even more determined to do a grouse episode this year.

So, we did a YouTube clip about grouse that will go live next week.
Very cool episode in some familiar mountains. I would be incapable of being full-draw on a legal bull with a good shot and deciding not to take it.

These YouTube episodes are great and I am looking forward to the grouse clip.

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