Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana 420-20

Lota lota

Active member
Apr 15, 2020
Hello all! I'm a new member to the site and figured this would be a good subject for my first post.

I Just found out this morning that my father, brother and I drew the 420-20 (Judith River) permit! I was curious if anybody on this forum has had experience hunting the area? From what I understand, it's more or less a late-season hunt when the elk migrate to the area, and that they can be found in large numbers on/near the WMA. I plan on doing a ton of scouting this spring/summer/fall before the season. I only live 2 1/2 hours from the area and plan on getting up there every weekend I can. I know there have been some large bulls taken in this area in years past, but would just like to know what to expect this day and age.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Lota lota
Be nice gentlemen.

@Lota lota, just a bit of context if some of the replies seem curt. Whenever a state drawing is released, forums get inundated with first-time posters excited about their tag and asking questions. Sometimes, they go about it respectfully and general information is provided.

More often, and this is what creates the friction, the new person shows up and first post is asking for information. They get a few tidbits from the forum users, then the new person is never to be seen again. No report of how the hunt went, no sticking around to add help to others that might benefit from that new person's experience elsewhere, etc.

So, if folks are a bit punchy about first posts from a new member being a request for intel, such comes from years of getting a bit burned by helping new folks who never are seen again and don't even come back to give a hunt report.

Congrats on the tag. I've never hunted the unit. Good luck.
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Be nice gentlemen.

@Lota lota, just a bit of context if some of the replies seem curt. Whenever a state drawing is released, forums get inundated with first-time posters excited about their tag and asking questions. Sometimes, they go about it respectfully and general information is provided.

More often, and this is what creates the friction, the new person shows up and first post is asking for information. They get a few tidbits from the forum users, then the new person is never to be seen again. No report of how the hunt went, no sticking around to add help to others that might benefit from that new person's experience elsewhere, etc.

So, if folks are a bit punchy about first posts from a new member being a request for intel, such comes from years of getting a bit burned by helping new folks who never are seen again and don't even come back to give a hunting report.

Congrats on the tag. I've never hunted the unit. Good luck.

@Big Fin , you should make that into some sort of canned response that pops up every time somebody makes their first post ;)

Good luck with your hunt OP...
I totally understand. For what it's worth this is the first forum I've ever joined, and fully expect some "razzing" starting off. I'm not "tech savvy" by any means, but I will say that I plan on reporting back after the hunt to provide some "closure" for those who want it.
Never hunted that area. Jump on YouTube and watch Randy's scouting tips especially elk patterns during certain times of the year. Look at Google Earth or OnX to find spots then I would track down the local biologist and see if they can offer some intel.
I haven't hunted it myself, but have heard stories. Unfortunately there's a road that goes right through the middle of the game range. With the accessibility the road creates there can end up being a pretty good slaughter at times. My friend described it as "the herd ping-ponging back and forth getting shot". I think it would be a fun hunt if they would close that road during the season. Sorry I am no help, just be prepared for that.
I wish you luck. I've never been in the breaks so I can't offer much guidance. I would use the search function on here to see if there are any old threads on the subject. Also, just some general research into how elk behave in river systems, what types of food sources are they targeting in such a seemingly sparse environment, when they like to be at what elevation (this will be relative to surrounding elevations). If you can get out and scout it, that would be the best obviously.
I totally understand. For what it's worth this is the first forum I've ever joined, and fully expect some "razzing" starting off. I'm not "tech savvy" by any means, but I will say that I plan on reporting back after the hunt to provide some "closure" for those who want it.
Advice comes at a price, Gotta take Cushman with you :cool:
I have never been in that unit. But my advice is this. I think it would be a good idea to hang around and enjoy the forum it's a great place. Become a member who contributes to the house here and you would reallllyyyyy be surprised at how generous some people here are once you do that. Let us know how the scouting goes and I truly hope you get one of those giants. Again welcome to HT.
Hello all! I'm a new member to the site and figured this would be a good subject for my first post.

I Just found out this morning that my father, brother and I drew the 420-20 (Judith River) permit! I was curious if anybody on this forum has had experience hunting the area? From what I understand, it's more or less a late-season hunt when the elk migrate to the area, and that they can be found in large numbers on/near the WMA. I plan on doing a ton of scouting this spring/summer/fall before the season. I only live 2 1/2 hours from the area and plan on getting up there every weekend I can. I know there have been some large bulls taken in this area in years past, but would just like to know what to expect this day and age.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Lota lota
Congratulations!!! Can’t help I’ve never hunted there but it’ll be fun , enjoy your time hunting !
I totally understand. For what it's worth this is the first forum I've ever joined, and fully expect some "razzing" starting off. I'm not "tech savvy" by any means, but I will say that I plan on reporting back after the hunt to provide some "closure" for those who want it.
Haven't ever hunted it, but would love to hear about your experience. I'll be following along! Good luck