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Moms/Dads worst favorite recipe


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2003
Frigid Ohio
They gave us their all to get us to where we are, God bless them. Parents do their best, and succeed 99.9%, regardless of our youthful, underdeveloped childish minds.

But, we all know that 'one' meal Mom/Dad loved to serve, the 'one' they took soooooo much pride in as being Their recipe.... that tasted like burnt BBQ skunk roadkill on mashed pinto cat droppings and dog barf....

Here's a couple I remember. What were yours ?

White Chili: White Navy bean soup, boiled turkey burger, chili powder. (Quote: It's Gooooood)

Cornbread: I have No clue as to the recipe on this one, but it came out weighing as much as, and tasting like a brick, every time. My Israeli G/F makes the lightest, fluffiest cornbread I have ever eaten. Mom is from a holler in Ky. Robin is from the streets of Tel Aviv. Go figure.
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My Dad loved to crock pot. It usually tasted good, but EVERYTHING came out orange. I still don't know what he always added to make it orange, but for awhile I thought that was just how a crock pot worked.

Dad once BBQ'ed a skinned wild turkey. Just stuck it on the grill - no marinade, wrapping in foil, etc. I don't remember tasting it because I drank 2 gallons of milk at that meal. On the upside - if you want instructions on how to dehydrate a turkey - I have that one figured out.
My old man was never much of a cook. For whatever reason be it laziness, contempt for my father, or wanting me to be independant, my Mother sort of stopped cooking dinner regularly when I was a teenager. Because of that I started to cook a good bit(especially after my Mom left) and became interested in it and I thank her for that. My Dad was big into any hunk of meat he could stuff into a pressure cooker which was never too bad. One thing I never liked was when he would cook what I called "Polish Ravioli's". Pierogies, which to those unaware are an eastern European dumpling usually filled with mashed potato and onion, are usually served sauteed in butter and onions. They are really popular in Pittsburgh where I grew up. Only instead of sauteing in butter/onion my old man would boil them and then serve them with tomato sauce. It wasn't inedible but left a lot to be desired.
My dad was/is a good cook. Always ate good growing up, lots of venison. My mom-not so much. I remember one time she made us boiled chicken. That was literally all it was, one whole chicken boiled in water. Not even any salt, pepper or veggies.
My mom was an ok cook but for some reason she always made frozen veggies, steam and serve! I don't think I liked vegetables until I was in my late teens. My mother-in-law's favorite meal to prepare is Christmas prime rib. It's indescribable, just bad. I thank the good Lord for strong horseradish so I can choke down a few bites, smile, and politely thank her for dinner. The prime rib is always accompanied by multiple casseroles as well, which seem to be various riffs on eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, and peppers, they all look and taste the same. My father-in-law always belts out a "THAT was a FANTASTIC meal," I can't tell if he's being sarcastic or if his taste buds have been beaten into submission after all these years...
Watery Chili with macaroni noodles in it and one summer all we ate were sloppy joes for dinner every day.
Salmon caserole! I could barf just thinking about it.

A sad teue story. My family makes a dish that is sausage and sliced potatoes in a thin white gravy. My grandmother came up with it. I dont like it and one day exclaimed "what made granma come up with this anyway". My dad stared at me and said "sometimes when all you have to eat is potaotoes and a hog you butchered, you have to come up with different ways to eat it". I have never been more embarrassed and humbled in my life.
My mom was a good cook with the exception of a beef stroganoff recipe. I have never eaten beef stroganoff in the thirty years since I moved out. Thankfully she has never made it while I am visiting either...
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My mom is a wonderful cook so I don't remember one thing that she made that I didn't like. I'm not picky either though. Probably my favorite thing she used to make me as a kid was using leftover ham from christmas/easter/ etc and making grilled sandwiches. She would make a sauce using mayo, mustard, and some spices and put on the ham, along with slices of cheese and onion. Wrap those in foil, and put in oven on 350 for about 10-15 minutes--or at least until the bread was toasted. It's probably the simplest recipe of hers, but it's darn good. I still do the same thing, even with leftover turkey.

Dad, on the otherhand, could burn water.
Dad didn't really cook, but his go to when mom was away was peanut butter mixed with syrup on toast. We loved it as kids. Mom was taught to cook with crisco in a 900 degree cast iron skillet, through in a piece of venison and watch it shrink to a puck. I think a lot of the older generation cooked this way, I never realized that meat didn't have to be well done until I was on my own.
growing up dads go to was breakfast for dinner !!! always good and ya cant mess it up, mom was a rock star in the kitchen, dolly varden, salmon, moose , caribou, she cooked it all , i dont remember any thing she cooked i didnt like, the only thing guaranteed to make me gag and puke was a tomato when i was little, hated those things , like em now im older
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Dad didn't really cook, but his go to when mom was away was peanut butter mixed with syrup on toast. We loved it as kids. Mom was taught to cook with crisco in a 900 degree cast iron skillet, through in a piece of venison and watch it shrink to a puck. I think a lot of the older generation cooked this way, I never realized that meat didn't have to be well done until I was on my own.

YUP, and YUP! Dad always made toasted peanut butter and jelly if mom was gone...always! Mom was a good cook but someone got it into her mind that meat had to be cooked until there was no pink in it. We weren't even allowed to have prime rib at a wedding one time! I still remember the first time I had a medium rare steak as a young adult, I thought it was the best thing I ever tasted!

If you asked my kids it would be my dinner of beans and rice and canned tomatoes, they hate that for some reason, but they do like my medium rare steaks!
Mom was always a good cook and dad was a wizard with the smoker and grill. My parents always tried to alternate cooking duties, but when it was dads turn and the weather wouldn't permit him to use the grill or smoker, his go to was tuna helper. Holy mother of all creation I would rather chew on dry cardboard than eat that crap every damn week! But hey, it made me appreciate moms homemade chicken and noodles with mashed taters she would always follow up on after tuna helper nights.
Can't complain, my mom was an excellent cook and Dad could cook as well just not as often as Mom. Nothing super fancy though we were kind of a meat and potato family. My favorite meal growing up was chipped tuna on toast, loved that stuff and couldn't get enough. When I was a little older ate too much of it, got sick and haven't had any since now almost 45 years ago.
My mom was a good cook. I miss her potato salad, yeast rolls, meat loaf and ribs.

I have not had a decent salmon patty since she passed.

Loved that old woman!
YUP, and YUP! Dad always made toasted peanut butter and jelly if mom was gone...always! Mom was a good cook but someone got it into her mind that meat had to be cooked until there was no pink in it. We weren't even allowed to have prime rib at a wedding one time! I still remember the first time I had a medium rare steak as a young adult, I thought it was the best thing I ever tasted!

If you asked my kids it would be my dinner of beans and rice and canned tomatoes, they hate that for some reason, but they do like my medium rare steaks!

My boys loved it when mom was at work and I would whip up two boxes of Mac and cheese with deer Berger and a can of sweet corn. They are in their twenties now and still devour it.

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