Yeti GOBOX Collection

MMBC VD CLassic Set for November 11, 2002


New member
Dec 22, 2001
On behalf of your very own Arizona Game and Fish Department, but with absolutely no liability or culpability on its part whatsoever, I will host a friendly informal fishing competition (NOT a tournament!) on Saguaro Lake on Veteran's Day, November 11, 2002. Fishing will begin at 0700 and weigh-in will be at 1215, sharp, at Shiprock.

The target audience is MMBC participants, Arizona Angler Round Table participants, and some of the other anglers who visit this Chat Board and could be MMBC or Angler Round Table participants.

The event is limited to the first 20 Boaters who contact me, and as many Non-Boaters as those 20 Boaters wish to carry (up to legal limits).

Non-Boaters MUST be entered by Boaters.

There is no fee for this event, and the rules are not subject to negotiation.

I will not post the MMBC VD Classic Rules, but will e-mail them and other crucial information to anglers who contact me at [email protected] .

Anglers will be required to provide certain basic information, again via e-mail, before being certified as 2002 MMBC VD Classic competitors.

Prizes in this event will be comparable to those in the MMBC Labor Day Classic. In other words, very modest (i.e. no boats, no cash, no refunds).

In the event that nobody enters this event, or the lake goes dry, I will keep all the prizes.

Good fishing, Samario
Hey now Samerio...
That is the way it is done...Now to see if it will actually be carried out...The ball is sitting in your court fisherwoosies..Now lets get on it and go fishing...It's time to get off those butts and away from the TV...You don't need to be hiding behind your wives apron strings, unless of course you bring her along..LOL...Lets see some dead fish....and some happy pics of some fisherwoosies out haveing fun....
Thanks for the endorsements! Elk pellets cannot be used as bait, but Elk Hunters are welcome. How about coming down for this event? I'll even pay your gas costs for the last 5 miles (up to $2.00 Mexican).

Hey, I just clicked on Elkhunter's "Elk Hunting 101" link. Wow!!!! My son and I have our first ever bull elk tags (Nov 15-22 on the west side of Flagstaff), and boy are we gonna make use of your information. Thanks a zillion for posting all that stuff. I might even have to take back those Numnutz Twins comments! Mmmm, probably not! LOL

Hope you can make the VD Classic. I'll set aside a special dose (oops, I meant prize) just for you guys! :D

Wish I could answer your questions about where the Fisherwoosies have gone. Maybe like me for the past two months they have been up to their eyeballs in work. Not a good place to be. Adios, it's time to go fishing.
When are you going up scouting?
I have a bull hunt in 5B north the same time yours is up by flagstaff.
Maybe we can both drive up and use two trucks to scout with and cover lots of ground in both areas?
Let me know what you think.
I will contact a friend who got one up there two years ago in your area to see where he was.
I won't be making the monday fish meeting for I will be working as usual.
Back home already from my kaibab hunt with a nice 3x4. Same type I took last time up there.
Yeah that sounds pretty cool I dont think I am off that day though. I will check and if not maybe I can weasel my way around it somehow.;) Hey Steve my back seat will be open give me a call tonight or some time this week. I have a few good spots on Saguaro.
Well theres some of our fisherwoosies..Come out of the wood work....And to go to a fishing tourney no less...This is shaping up to maybe be great. I think we are a long way from 20 boaters...Come on guy's you might e-mail some of the others and let them know whats up....We want a good showing to this...
Saycherio......Samario...While your offer is very appealing, you are alas just a smidge to far for Elkdudes to venture down to. I have plans until the end of January and won't be able to venture that far for quite awile. Yep I know thats just another excuse, but thats the way is is...
:D :D :D Thanks for the offer though...It is very much appreciated :D :D :D
WOW an Elkdude that has schedualing problems and can't make fishing plans, whats the world coming to! :D If he's not carefull they might start associating him with noncomitting fisherwoosies, OH NO!!!ANY one can shoot elk :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Come on make a commitment, let's see if you can fish. I mean hey $2.00 mexican thats gotta buy atleast a quart of fuel. Come on down. ;)

2slowsnazzy your funny....Common up and you can stream fish with us....There are lakes also...It isn't to far, and I will give you guy's 2 dollars mexican to show up!!!LOL. My commitments are to running the hills looking for animals....Maybe you fellas could come up here and run the hills with me looking for elk and deer...:eek::eek::eek:
I was just about to commit to coming up there to Real Man Country when someone whispered one word in my ear: Deliverance. Think I'll stay down here and fish th elocal puddles! :D :D
Hey Samario I sent an email with my name and a non boater who would be on my boat, what other info do you need from me?