Mice in the house?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Who gets them? its a little embarassing but Dammit, this has been a terrible year for mice statewide. My hunting shack, AKA 30 foot traval trailer was a nightmare this year. My beater car, that i kept up there was also invaded many times and i had tp pull the blower motor out of it because the packed it full. My home has even been getting a few. For the life of me i cannot figure out where they are getting in. My best guess is through the garage and then in the door somehow. I see where they are chewing the weatherstrip at the bottom of the door trying to get in. Kind of sucks that a 7 year old house isnt mouse proof. Caught one this morning about 3am. Wife woke me up and said there is something moving in the bedroom. Here one fell into a plastic bag that she had lying out when she was cleaning her closet. I took the bag and whacked it agains the dresser a few times and gave him a burial at sea, slightly alive.
I loaded up the garage and porch with a lot of poison, and set a bunch of traps.
BTW, those live traps that the mice walk into and cant get out, they dont work. Had one in the garage for a month and havent caught a thing in it even though i had been seeing a mouse run every time i turned the light on out there for a couple weeks. The good old standard trap with peanut butter for bait still is the best.
Having my own pest control business I can tell you mice get in just about every kind of structure. I go through buckets of bait and boxes of traps every year for them and pack-rats. I get them in Million dollar homes and in single wides like yours.
is there any poison that kils them faster than 3-5 days?? they can make a mess of things in that amount of time. Any home made formula you know of? Golden malerin type of stuff ? This is mostly from my camper as sometimes i dont go there for a couple weeks at a time. the faster they die the better.
Most of the good stuff you can't get over-the-counter in AZ. I'm not sure what the laws are in WI but you may look for a DIY pest control store. If they have them look for contract or talon G bait block. Those will keep them at bay.
DIY pest control store?? nothing like that around here. You talking on-line store?
Schmalts ----> Well what I use at my camp that seem to work well was a bucket with water in it and a pole going across the top. in the middle of the pole I tie little piece of rope on it and at the end of it was either cheese whiz or penut butter. Mice go down the string and fall off into the water and drown cause they can not get out. Now if the water freezes this time of year (Pending where you live) Then that is wash out. Penut butter seem to be better in the bucket. Try it and as for back up use traps to.
try some stuff called tom cat you will find it in hardware store and the bucket trick works too put a little anti-freeze in the bucket so the water dont freeze
Empty a can of beans by only opening the lid about half way. Close it again and put a hole in the middle of each end so when you put a rod like a broomstick or dowel thru it the can will roll real easily. Smear peanut butter on it. Lay the rod across the pail and duct tape it in place. Put water in the pail and a rock that sticks above the water just enough for a mouse to climb up on. Put a ramp up to the rod so the mouse can climb up it and go out the rod. When he jumps up on the can it will roll and he'll fall in the water and climb up on the rock. The next mouse that falls in will try to get on the rock and they'll start fighting. Their squeaking and fighting will attract more mice and pretty soon you'll have a pail full of drowned mice.

This method works even better with rats, but you use a #10 tin can, a broomstick and a 55 gallon drum.

Another way is to get the mice drunk on oatmeal soaked in whiskey. When they lay down to sleep it off you can grab them. That's a good way to get live mice for fox trap bait, although most of the trappers I used to learn this stuff from wouldn't think of wasting perfectly good whiskey on a mouse.

They used to use whiskey soaked corn to get geese and ducks drunk, too. Saves on ammunition but, once again, the guys who taught me this kinda stuff would usually rather shoot the geese and drink the whiskey themselves. The hillbillys who taught me how to hunt, fish and trap knew every trick in the book for getting game or dealing with pests. I can't put most of the stuff I know on the Internet. Sorry.
Well, we got RATS, Big RATS, Keep you up at night Rats! They had chewed the water lines in half in both bathrooms, I flipped the switch to the water tank and as I came around the corner water was just gushing out both ends of the Moble Home! We have trapped around 6 or 7, but being in the woods like it is that is just a start. I did'nt want to put out any Poison until the end of the season, just in case they stink up the place. Good Luck! John
Heres one the guys at work use and RAVE about, but it's for problem chipmunks and gophers, but may work on mice. They take a 5 gal bucket and fill it 3/4 full of water. Then take a bag of sunflower seeds (in the shell) and pour in just enough to make a thin skin on the waters surface. The vermin see the food floating and think it is a hard bottom and dive in. They tread water until they drown. Guys say they get up to 5 a day with that one.
So as I said and alot here have try our herd about. The bucket of water and bait seems to be a good way to go. And if that does not work , you either have smart mice or they are just smater then you J/K. Good luck buddy.
get a mouser and set out lots of poison...my cat (although I hate cats) leaves me a dead mouse every morning by the door going to the garage...good kitty
Used to have mice around the restaurant I worked at a bajillion years ago...the prep cooks would catch them (outside) on those sticky glue boards and freeze them in the flash freezer...then they'd put the posed little figurines on the secretary's desk for the morning scream! :D
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