Memorial Chair. I will never forget!


Active member
Sep 26, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
In 2010, while stationed at Ft. Polk, LA the 705th ORD CO (EOD) was running a demo range. When it was over, I asked the guys to help me get some of the ammo crates so that I could build an Adirondack chair out of the wood. Among those that helped were, Chauncy Mays, Chris Stark and Michael Garcia. All three of these great young men and Soldiers were KIA the following year. Today, 28 Feb 14 is the three year anniversary for Chris and Chauncy. All day, every day I wear a bracket with their names and dates on it. I finally finished that chair this last year before this deployments. It now sits on my front porch as another memorial to these great men. I will always miss you and I will never forget!
Memorial Chair.jpg
Mem Chair Porch.jpg
Very fitting tribute.

“This country owes them all a debt of gratitude. The down payment on that debt is making sure that we live up to Lincoln’s charge: to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.” ~ Dave Obey
Peace to them and you brother! One of the toughest portions of my job are the funerals and memorial ceremonies. As of last month I am closing in on 120 :/ The biggest reason I am looking forward to retirement.....they get harder every time. All of we brothers in arms live, breath and thrive on the foundation that those who have made the ultimate sacrifice have built. Great project BTW :)
Very fitting tribute.

“This country owes them all a debt of gratitude. The down payment on that debt is making sure that we live up to Lincoln’s charge: to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.” ~ Dave Obey

Zack, your signature is an appropriate one. Chauncy was 25 years old. He had a wife and two little girls (age 2 and 4). He was planning on getting out when he got back from that deployment because he couldn't bare the thought of not being there for them. He sat in my office almost daily talking about it. He wanted to get out and run a hot rod shop.
Chris was a gregarious young man (22 yr old) what was always smiling and getting into mischief. He was a tall lanky guy who would do anything you asked him to do…….except stay out of trouble.
Mike was a very competent EOD tech who couldn't get promoted because he struggle with the Army weight standard. He was promoted on 1 July 2011. The last Facebook post I sent him was to congratulate him on his well deserved promotion. Three days later (4th of July) he was killed by an IED that he was trying to disarm (as was Chris and Chauncy).
It really is amazing the little things we piss and moan about on a daily basis not really knowing what true drama is. You really have put things into perspective. My heart goes out to those families, and I truly thank you all for your service.
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