Caribou Gear

Meat on the Table!!!


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2016
San Antonio TX
Ran out of venison the other day n actually had to buy meat at the grocery store!!! No fun!! Been wanting to arrow a nice doe but this year all I've had on the cameras n seen while sitting have been bucks; I know stop complaining, they have been too young to shoot for antlers or too old to shoot for meat (my family n I prefer does or young spike bucks to eat). I do have two older bucks passing by regular (8pt n a 10pt) that I would normally not hesitate w but I really am hoping my son or grandson get a crack at them. So me n one of my friends went out Tuesday evening, w me fully prepared to see the usual bunch of bucks. At about 1820 I caught some movement n low n behold it was a nice dry doe at about 30yds. I drew when she turned away but then she walked back in a semi circle all the way under my tripod; w me holding the draw the entire time. Finally I picked out a hole in the brush n sent the arrow on its way at maybe 5 paces. I angled the shot high behind the facing shoulder through the opposite side. Doe ran maybe 30yds n I heard her crash. N as luck would have it rt on the road as my pic will show as she layed.
Quartered her out n took her to the firehouse the following day where I muscled her out for steaks n bagged the trim meat for burger (hopefully arrow a young hog tomorrow to combine w for the burger)
Cooked up a meal for the boys at the firehouse yesterday evening; panseared venison w salad and potato pancakes!!!! Tasty n beats the hell out of any store bought meat!!!IMG_2201.jpgIMG_2199.jpg
Congrats. I'm hoping to do the same thing this weekend.

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