meat in the freezer..

Cathunt MT

New member
Apr 28, 2005
I have got to go out a little in the last two weeks and had some good times.
I thought I would post this to get my team some points ( who we still dont know who to send the totals to).
The first one is a fawn but he was as big as the doe and he gave me a better shot 15 yards.

This is how I packed him out...

This next one was a great one. I took my mom and dad to this spot to get them a doe. I got them all set up and went to my tree stand. It was a cold day and I was under dressed:confused: . I was in my stand and was not seeing very many deer so about a half hour be for it got dark I thought I would get down and see if I could get some video of my Dad and Mom shooting at a deer. As I let my bow down I look to my right to see two doe walking out 20 yards away :eek: I stop my bow about half way down and there I sit bow dangling in the wind and two does trying to figure out what it is.|oo |oo :BLEEP: (never get down during prime time) After they left I pulled my bow back up and got ready, I grunted a few times and two does and a fawn start to come to me from the other side of the field. There was a spot that the few deer I did see where walking through all the time it was at 45yards. So I new they where going to go to the same spot. As the doe stepped out at 45 yards I drew,she saw me :BLEEP: I was sure she would jump the string so I amid low. and as you can see she got real low when I shot. She dropped in her tracks.

So how many points is this????
Nice work Cathunt, way to get the freezer-fillers out of the way. Now time to fill your A-tag. congrats....

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