Marley and Me


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Haven't been to the theater in maybe 8 years, but being an owner of 3 labs over the years, and my wife having read the book, the streak was bound to end on this one. Sappy but funny freaks will probably like it. Jenifer Anniston had some serious nip action going on in a couple of the scenes, so Moosie would probably approve as well.
BHR, I understand that this isn't your typical funny dog and cute kids kinda movie. All the promos are selling it as such, but I've heard that more kids leave the theather bawling their eyes out -as if they just saw Santa Claus getting blown away in gut-wrenching detail. Somewhat morbidly overdone ending I've been told and not for the young or faint of heart.
Are kids today a bunch of pansies? Dogs die. That's part of the life cycle. It's real. Unlike all the killing going on in shootem up movies and video games. For the record, I thought the ending was well done and did not see one kid leaving the theater bawling their eyes out.
Didn't see any kids cry but did see a few parents with the sniffles...ok movie for the most part (yeah Jen's a hottie) but probably not one you want to see right after putting down fido...