Maiden Voyage completed!!


New member
Jul 25, 2002
Gilbert, AZ
The nasty deed is done! LOL We got that purty new purple machine in the water on Friday! Too sweeeeeeeet! Yep! She purrs! Yep! She's quick! What a blast! All other days will now forever pale in comparison to a day out on the lake with a rod n reel in hand getting some line wet! Oh man! TOO GOOD!:D :D

Let's see, got to drive da boat, got to fish, got to play with the tm, played with the fish finder, got to kick back and just enjoy the view....BEAUTIFUL!! is this heaven? ;) :D :D
Congratulations Nightcrawler. Hopefully this will be the first of many regular trips. Where did you go? I was at Saguaro Friday night and it was a zoo, even more than usual. I thought pleasure boating season would slow down with all the kids back in school. Anyway, congratulations again.

Sounds like fun NC. Didn't hear any mention of fish being caught. Not that I can talk I haven't had a bite in weeks.

LMAO!!!Law!!!! I think to be a backseat suck, one only needs to ask!!!HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :D :D :D
WTG NC! You make me jealous, but at least it is good to know there is another fisherperson out there with a boat from whom I can bum a ride (not that ANYONE has ever offered . . . .) :D ;) :D
Ask? ASK? Me, ask!? How pedestrian! While I may be impoverished and an Eastsider, I do still have my negligible pride. I shall stand by the shores (weeping softly) until some humane soul takes pity on me and offers me a ride. Yeah, that's what I'll do . . . if I can ever get down there l0ong enough to actually do any fishing! ;) :D :rolleyes: Thanks for thinking of me, however. :D
HAHAHAHA!!!!! :D :D :D
Law, you could stand on the shore with a tear in your eye and an "extra" beer in your hand...I bet you could use that as a bribe!!!! :D :D :D
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