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Jul 9, 2021
I’ve been looking for new pack for my upcoming elk hunt in September. I have been looking at the M5 RMEF TEAM ELK PACK. Just wondering what people think of them.
I guess it looks ok, I don't see any pictures of the important part. Get a good look at the lumbar pad, the belt , the shoulder straps, the frame, and the Load lifters. What you don't want is flimsy frames, and thin straps (especially your belt and load lifters).

Personally I like a strong belt with a large lumbar pad and good padding along the sides of my spine since I have back problems.

Also pockets are cool until you load them full of junk you don't need. Then your just dragging along a brick.

I will say this. Spend the money on a pack if your gonna use it often. You really get what you pay for. Compare to some other brands. Kifaru, Stone glacier, Mystery ranch, EXO, BadLands, Alps, maybe even some store brands.
When I looked at them in the store the have a meat shelf in them
Is it between the pack and frame? How hard is it to get it opened up. I have a early EXO and have used it a lot. However, it but it’s a PIA to open it up. I have a Mystery ranch metcalf that is nice and is simple to use. That by far is my favorite.

Go to the store and take it apart if they let you. Stuff some clothes into the front to get bulk and then try and open it to put a bulky item in the meat shelf. That is how you know if you will like it or not.

It should also have a provision for a water bladder and hose.
When I looked at them in the store the have a meat shelf in them
They "do", but,
Is it between the pack and frame?
Its not.

That's one significant difference vis a vis Mystery Ranch (or SG, Exo, et al) the M5's shelf extends along the bottom where the tubular frame kind of juts out in a U shape so a heavy load can rest on a rigid platform. But as the M5 is too small for serious backpacking (I spiked out with it a few times for one night, but that's about the extent of camping gear you can shove in the pack), the amount of stuff you need to carry besides meat is usually minimal.

I used one for several years and packed all or parts of half a dozen elk out with it (plus a couple deer and pronghorn) and it did just fine.

I upgraded to the Metcalf last year for: better fit, more volume, less weight, and better load management/stability, but the Team Elk did more or less everything the Metcalf does, it just didn't do it as well. In fact - my main challenge was that even at the tallest setting, the M5 was a little short for me. I sold the pack here so maybe the buyer can chime in as a new user.

There are actually a handful of things I miss about the Eberlestock pack vs the Metcalf - mostly the built-in zippered storage options. One thing I I don't miss is the folding scabbard - for me it more or less just got in the way.

It should also have a provision for a water bladder and hose.

It does - either of the side pockets can fit a bladder or a spotter and both have a hole for the hose to snake out the top and then clips to run it down the relevant shoulder strap.

If I hunted elk one week a year and didn't need a pack that could handle multiple overnights (and I was 1-2" shorter) I'd probably have just stuck with the Eberlestock.
I run the m5 for short trips . No more than about 2 nights three days. I just got the MR marshall for more extended trips. I was using the EStock G4 . But it was heavy for the cubic Inches. I personally don't unfold the rifle scabbard.
I use one. The best damn day pack ever. Carries everything I need and my rifle. It's able to haul out the first quarter if I kill something. Then I switch to my F1T for the rest of the meat.

It has a good frame system and load bearing system.

What is does not do is go deep. It doesn't have enough capacity for that.

I wanted to put my granddaughter in it, but the belt won't go that small.

If I am going even one night out, I will use the F1T frame with a Vapor bag.
It is not a very good pack at all. The suspension on those is so far behind the top companies it's not funny. If you plan on hauling meat at all get something else. Kifaru, Stone Glacier, Exo, Mystery Ranch, Seek Outside, Kuiu, Initial Ascent, Barney's and Hil People Gear would all be worth a look before that pack or any other from Eberlestock.
I haven't used a team elk pack, but did have a j107 for a few years. Unless you are short, the team elk isn't going to be tall enough for the load lifters to function at all. It's heavy, in comparison to my seek outside, the team elk weights 2 lbs more and is half the size of the seek. The team elk doesn't carry meat between the bag and frame, another strike against it. The only thing it has going is price, and you get what you pay for. Look at the other brands mentioned, they cost more, but are significantly better.
I'm 6'4" and don't have any issues with fitment of the m5.
The frame is way too short for the load lifters to be functional. Ideally they should come off your shoulder at about a 45°+ angle up to the frame. You would have to literally be around 5' tall for that to happen with this pack. It's just not designed well to carry a heavy load. If day hunting and not using to pack meat it would probably be fine.
The frame is way too short for the load lifters to be functional. Ideally they should come off your shoulder at about a 45°+ angle up to the frame. You would have to literally be around 5' tall for that to happen with this pack. It's just not designed well to carry a heavy load. If day hunting and not using to pack meat it would probably be fine.
Or adjust it to fit my 6'3" body.

I've carried out two elk quarters with mine. Comfortably.
Or adjust it to fit my 6'3" body.

I've carried out two elk quarters with mine. Comfortably.
You can't lengthen the frame. You can adjust the suspension all you want it still won't carry weight as well as packs from the above mentioned companies. I'm not trying to be difficult here but that pack isn't in the same league as many of the others on the market, even some at the same price point. I would challenge anyone who is praising this pack to show a picture of it being worn with the load lifters pulling the shoulder straps off the shoulders.
Curious how much emotion you have in this.

Kenetreks hurt my feet but I don't bash them for it. I just buy Hoffman's. Or are you going to say I was lacing them wrong?

Even those of us that like the M5 are saying it is not a go-deep, extended trip pack for big loads. Eberlestock doesn't say that either. They call it a day pack.

My fave pack right now is the F1T frame with a Vapor 7500 bag. I like it so much I cancelled my order for a SG Talus and Xcurve. I'm happy and I saved about $400
I have no emotion in this at all. I listed 10 brands that make a better pack and didn't push one in particular. The M5 will get the job done, but there are far better options that will be lighter and/or more comfortable.

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