Love to you Hunt Talkers

I just watched Randy stick a nice elk on Carbon TV. I did not see an illegal act, just a dude pickin up some groceries.
Had it been spelled Huntersareloosers I would've suspected Moosie's comedic handiwork.
I think I saw her once, parked in front of McDonalds with the enging running because her leather seats were too hot in her Subaru.
Owe mi gawd eye dont' no howe markie wuz abul too eevun cunnekt two tha enternut too zend thut raunt aboot aboleootly nuthing. Eye gess tha aminulz r bettur thun mee beecuz eye cair abowt meye paichekcs onn tha furst end fifteanth.
The first thing I would ask her is if she and her family are Vegans. If they are not, lets then talk about how she is the biggest hypocrit on the planet
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think extreme points of view are interesting.....often the point is lost when wrapped in extremism.
Dear Emailer_[//*code_syntax_error]markielace,

Thank you for your valued feedback about how to keep Hunt Talk one of the busiest and best online places in the outdoor community! Some suggestions for your first visit to Hunt Talk: please share pictures and details of your successful hunts so we can more information about the kinds of adventures and game_]markielace[_ prefers to pursue.

Our sponsors and management appreciate your visit to this site. Each page view generates a small donation to youth groups around the country so we can groom the next generation of hunters. Don't forget to enter to win a Colorado sheep or goat hunt, along with other great gear!

Best of luck in your many hunts this Fall!

Dear Markie,

Being a very sensitive and caring man, your words cut me to the heart. I now feel so guilty about all the animals who have died at my hands and the hands of others like me that I am forced to go eat a bowl of elk chili to comfort myself. I will take up crossword puzzles as my new hobby tomorrow.
Reminds me of an incident I got called on the carpet for many years ago long before iPhones, Internet, etc.. I had just returned from a hunt in Alaska and had just picked up the pictures from the developer. Was passing them around at the office when a recently hired rather portly female from another dept. came in looked at the pictures and called me an "azz" for shooting that animal. Never being short on words I responded that if we had a tape measure I was sure that it would verify that I wouldn't win that dubious distinction - I think that was my first association to what they now refer to as sensitivity traing.
Just sounds like someone lost in what they should or should not believe in. Most fall between, I hate hunting and let's go get a Pizza. John
I too will pray for you Markie so that you may be forgiven for wishing so much harm to others and their families.
I forget the religion that worships animals. Perhaps Markie is one of those and humans are not that important so wishes harm upon strangers. Usually such hatred involves a religious conflict. Markie kills millions of creatures a day as walks along crushing amoeba and insects. Hope Markie does not have a lawn that is mowed which beheads grasshoppers leaving orphans sad and lonely. I pray Markie removes the windshield from the car so no bugs are innocently slaughtered while driving along. Or, perhaps Markie easily justifies these deadly actions and prefers to judge others spewing venom and hatred.
Dirt cows poop on? Her vast knowledge of ranching real estate is very impressive

Cowboy Reincarnation by Wallace McRae

"What does Reincarnation mean?"
A cowpoke asked his friend.
His pal replied, "It happens when
Yer life has reached its end.
They comb yer hair, and warsh yer neck,
And clean yer fingernails,
And lay you in a padded box
Away from life's travails."

"The box and you goes in a hole,
That's been dug into the ground.
Reincarnation starts in when
Yore planted 'neath a mound.
Them clods melt down, just like yer box,
And you who is inside.
And then yore just beginnin' on
Yer transformation ride."

"In a while, the grass'll grow
Upon yer rendered mound.
Till some day on yer moldered grave
A lonely flower is found.
And say a hoss should wander by
And graze upon this flower
That once wuz you, but now's become
Yer vegetative bower."

"The posy that the hoss done ate
Up, with his other feed,
Makes bone, and fat, and muscle
Essential to the steed,
But some is left that he can't use
And so it passes through,
And finally lays upon the ground
This thing, that once wuz you."

"Then say, by chance, I wanders by
And sees this upon the ground,
And I ponders, and I wonders at,
This object that I found.
I thinks of reincarnation,
Of life and death, and such,
And come away concludin': 'Slim,
You ain't changed, all that much
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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