NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Lost power....lost the freezer...dont care though :)


New member
Aug 22, 2011
northeastern PA
So we lost power here in PA where i live and the chest freezer in the shop was stacked with wild boar, mule deer, antelope, white tail, dry sea scallops from a friend who fishes out of cape may nj, 75 goose breasts and who knows what else.......

But I don't care because I'm at the hospital with my wife and she's getting ready to have our first child....a little baby boy.

Who cares about spoiled meat when you're about to be introduced to a life long hunting partner!!!!

How many of you guys had the same dreams when your children were being born....and how many have shared hunting adventures with them as they grew up?

Later, riggs
You have the correct perspective. Family comes first, the rest is just STUFF. Good luck to you and your new family member!
with all the frozen meat,ect in your freezer it should probly be good for approx 5 days or so,,,just dont open the freezer door,hopefully youll have power back by then,,,once i didnt have power for 9 days and did loose about half of the stuff in the freezer{worst case cenario}depends on outside air temp too.
We stopped having kids 8 years ago (we have 4) and we've felt a little sad now and then. I just finished homework with my youngest. Out of the 4 he may be my first hunter. The other 3 take after their mom, she's from Long Beach. Anyway, congrats on the new addition.

My freezer went out a few years back. Luckily my mtn lion hide survived. It probably would have made me shed a tear or two if it didn't.
you'll have alot of fun in the future hunting with your son.with Pa's new mentor seasons you decide when he's old enough to hunt with you.Your western trips may get harder to come by though depending on your wife.I'm just starting to get my oldest points to join me out west soon
Congrats on your baby
I am livin the dream brother! (What is his name by the way?) Healthy and happy was my dream, then hoping that he would have the same passion. The dream and the hope both came true! Best of luck to you and your wife. >My son Brooks is 6 and it is just starting to really get fun. He shares everything except the big game right now. Belly boating. Fly fishing. Dove hunting in 2 days. Coyotes with the Red Ryder of the back deck ... you name it. My daughter (4) came home from daycare yesterday with -My favorite thing to do is : HUNT ELK (in her own hand writing, something her brother would have done) and last night she was paging through the latest issue of Bugle. :) So enjoy it to the fullest! Every second man.
You'll have plenty of time to re-fill the freezer. I would want to get it cleaned out right away though! Congrats on the boy. My son just turned 10 and can now bowhunt with me. He has already shot geese, ducks and turkeys with his shotgun. Lets see how he does with a bow! My 5 year old girl is also shooting archery gear with us. Mommy, well, she enjoys her gun hunting.
Finally introduced himself the other night....Levi is 8lbs 4oz and 22.5 inches long. He's perfect...and his mom did just fine too...she's a real trooper. Looking forward to all the fun adventures. Thanks for the stories guys!!!!
Congrats on the new hunting partner! My son is 29 and we have always hunted and fished together. I have always hunted with my father also.
Congrats on the boy. It's an absolute joy to watch them grow up. Take plenty of pictures. Good to hear he and momma are both doing well.
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