Looking for private land access in South Dakota for 5 day whitetail bowhunt in trade for Alaska halibut fishing charter


New member
Oct 17, 2019
Myself and 2 buddies are traveling to S Dakota to bowhunt whitetails from Nov 1-5, 2019. I own a reputable and successful fishing charter company on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. I am looking to trade access to private land in South Dakota for 5 days of bowhunting for a 1 day halibut charter in Alaska for up to 6 people.

We are just looking for permission to bowhunt. We are completely self sufficient, responsible, with a no trace left behind attitude. We are just some die hard bowhunters traveling the country chasing the next thrill.

The halibut charter is a one day trip for up to 6 people May 20-Sept 9th 2020. We are located on the highway system about 3 hours south of Anchorage on the Kenai Peninsula. We target large Cook Inlet Pacific halibut and have been chartering fishermen for over 20 years. We have beautiful boats, lodging if needed and all fish processing necessities.

If you are traveling to Alaska this summer and plan on doing a bit of fishing, this might be a perfect fit. If this may interest you, please pm me. I would be happy to discuss possibilities!


Arctic AL
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Heck of an introduction! Welcome aboard. Good luck in SoDak.
Welcome aboard! Been fishing in the inlet twice now. Good times. You may want to check your dates, they've expired.
I don't know how much halibut fishing is worth but I think you might be offering a little on the light side. Fifteen hunter days for six fishing days sounds a bit low and my guess is that if you do get a taker the quality of the whitetail property will be sub par. I would think about upping the offer to something closer to equal hunter days to fishing days for a top quality property. Hope you have luck finding a place.
I understand what you mean. Our charter rates are $285 per person for a day trip. Roughly a $1750 value for a 6 person boat. Almost all of our fishermen lodge with us for a night or 2. We often come in and have 100-200 pounds of fillet that needs processing, vacuum sealing, freezing etc. We offer multi day fishing packages for a variety of species with lodging and processing included for larger groups as well. I can build a trade that would be of suitable value and am open to any discussion that may bounce back from this off-the-wall attempt!

Thanks for the thoughts, they are appreciated!

Arctic Al
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