"Look at the natural signs and that will tell you all you needed to know"

Sad deal, but yes, a fine way to go.

I’ve mentioned it on here before, but a few years ago, on a mountain I can see from my house, a 32 year old man shot and killed a bull elk, and his heart stopped beating. I didn’t know him, but I know a firefighter who tried in vain to save his life. I walk the cemetery in Jefferson City often and visit his grave, and walk on his mountain from time to time.

Sad deal, but yes, a fine way to go.

I’ve mentioned it on here before, but a few years ago, on a mountain I can see from my house, a 32 year old man shot and killed a bull elk, and his heart stopped beating. I didn’t know him, but I know a firefighter who tried in vain to save his life. I walk the cemetery in Jefferson City often and visit his grave, and walk on his mountain from time to time.

The gentleman you referenced sounds like he was quite a guy. I'm 33, really makes you think.
A good friend’s dad died while climbing a tree in a climbing stand. He was in his 70s. Had walked 2 miles into the national forest with his stand in his back. The whole family hunts and looked at it like it’s what he would have wanted. I have to agree. I would like to go out like that.
I lost an uncle a few years back the same way. He had texted his son a picture of a nice buck he had killed that evening and was walking back to the truck to get his atv to get him out. He didn’t show up after dark and my aunt got worried and called their son and he went in and found him in the woods. He had been gone for several hours. Massive heart attack on his walk back to the truck. He knew his ticker was bad but refused to sit at home and do nothing. I think he went out a happy guy!
In 1967 my paternal Grandfather who had recently turned 79 died of a massive coronary within a few steps of a 3x3 he had shot.. My Father and 13 year old brother were on adjoining stands.

25 years later my Father had just turned 79 and again there were three generations hunting together; my Father, me and my brother as well as his two boys when my Father killed a 3x3.

Now I am 79 and my goal is to complete the trifecta. Opening day my grandson and I were in a blind together, my son in another when a 2x2 steps out into the lane at 75 yards and stands there sideways for a couple minutes while we used our scopes in a struggle trying to see through the barely legal shooting light well enough to put two more points on him but it wasn't to be. Rut is still on so there remains enough time; wish me luck.
Glad I'm here at home and alive.
Trying to survive cancer, now. Hunting next week here, solo. Hope I get to again next year too.

7 years ago I had a heart attack out of the blue.....from a stressful life. I filled a buck and cow tag that fall. Solo. That was dumb.

A few years ago ,when I was 40, LOL, I was deer hunting up around 11k in the Sierra's and saw this guy carrying a buck on his shoulders heading back to his truck. Guy collapsed in front of me and I went into EMT mode, drug his ass out of the rocks and luckily there was the S&R team practicing rescues....the guy was a gym jock,35 and way out of his league in the woods. Heart attack and he made it I heard.

67 and plan to be around a while. I plan. Using my head and health I do have.
Been there ,done that. I never had anything to prove to anyone, but me.
Glad I'm here at home and alive.
Trying to survive cancer, now. Hunting next week here, solo. Hope I get to again next year too.

7 years ago I had a heart attack out of the blue.....from a stressful life. I filled a buck and cow tag that fall. Solo. That was dumb.

A few years ago ,when I was 40, LOL, I was deer hunting up around 11k in the Sierra's and saw this guy carrying a buck on his shoulders heading back to his truck. Guy collapsed in front of me and I went into EMT mode, drug his ass out of the rocks and luckily there was the S&R team practicing rescues....the guy was a gym jock,35 and way out of his league in the woods. Heart attack and he made it I heard.

67 and plan to be around a while. I plan. Using my head and health I do have.
Been there ,done that. I never had anything to prove to anyone, but me.
I’m praying for you brother that you beat the nasty C stuff. God Bless again!!!
A few years ago ,when I was 40, LOL, I was deer hunting up around 11k in the Sierra's and saw this guy carrying a buck on his shoulders heading back to his truck. Guy collapsed in front of me and I went into EMT mode, drug his ass out of the rocks and luckily there was the S&R team practicing rescues....the guy was a gym jock,35 and way out of his league in the woods. Heart attack and he made it I heard.
I mean, sounds like he put in the work. But man, that makes you think.
I mean, sounds like he put in the work. But man, that makes you think.
He was packing an extra 30-40 around. Not really in shape, tho I bet he would beg to differ.
Bet he thought he could just load it into the family suv and take it home, whole.
G&F took the buck. Guy spent 4 days in the hospital.
He was packing an extra 30-40 around. Not really in shape, tho I bet he would beg to differ.
Bet he thought he could just load it into the family suv and take it home, whole.
G&F took the buck. Guy spent 4 days in the hospital.
You said "gym jock", so I thought he was in good shape. Guess not.
One of our friends had a heart attack on our hunt this year and had to be flown to Rapid City. He made it and is recovering. I'm guessing when he gets the flight bill that will be a traumatic moment.
My grandfather had a heart attack hunting with my dad when dad was 13. The stubborn son of gun refused to let my dad know and my dad realized grandpa wasn't acting right and finally just left his Gun and ran to his grandma's house about 2 miles away and got help. Grandpa made it, but he almost didn't because he was to stubborn to ask for help.
A 91 yo man died in Indians last week after a homemade tree stand collapsed with him in it. Not a bad way to go when you’re 91. Sure beats laying in a nursing home for years not knowing who you are.
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