Caribou Gear

Little Belts

Me being one of GFHunter's hunting partner's I can attest to what he says is true. However he hasn't quite completely soured me on the Little Belts. I still hunt them, but there is a lot of truth in what he says about wanting to hunt somewhere easier. The areas he hunts are STEEP and heavily timbered. Getting lost is a real possiblity despite the claim of so many roads. While there are a lot of roads there are also areas with no roads that one can get lost it pretty easy. It is one area where a GPS or knowing how to read a compass is a very good thing.
The areas he hunts are STEEP and heavily timbered.

Hmmm...Sounds exactly like the areas I found elk in while employing the old man's strategy of hunting the islands. The steep and deep islands are key. I actually chose my areas off of a topo map before even setting foot up there. Took my quad instead of my truck, just for access on FS roads. Drove to the steep and deep islands I had identified and found some elk. Somebody's probably going to yell at me for giving up the strategy but if you couldn't figure that out :confused:
Booooooo Little Belts....too steep...too much timber...don't go there. No ever succeeds there...go to Region 3. Yup, you'll be much happier!!
Huh..steep, heavily timbered, easy to get away from roads/lost. Sounds like picture perfect elk country to me.

Pretty sure anybody could find elk in the Little Belts after spending 20 minutes looking at a map.
Huh..steep, heavily timbered, easy to get away from roads/lost. Sounds like picture perfect elk country to me.

Pretty sure anybody could find elk in the Little Belts after spending 20 minutes looking at a map.


Stop simplifying the solution.
Well boys, I was raised in Lewistown and I'm pretty sure, I can still remember hiding holes. My other buddy was raised in Hobson and he is no diffrent, we'll go there and have some fun. People kill elk there every year and I've seen theses discussions before and find it entertaining. You just need to be in good shape and not be afraid to say, just listen to that bugle, thats why. This why you go the extra mile or go where someone else may not want to go. The belts have a lot of places like this.