Lighted sight pins legality in Colorado


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2016
I searched but couldn't find this topic that has probably been discussed before.

My sight has a feature to light the pins in lowlight conditions. I've never used it since the pins become too bright to actually shoot accurately but it came on the sight. Is this sight legal to use in Colorado?? If I disable it by taking out the battery would it be okay then? Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge here. Seems like most of the available sights come with this feature now. Thanks!
I take the batteries out of mine. I haven't run into a warden to verify, though.

I agree that most sights come with that feature these days.
On mine the light unscrews from a hole where the filaments end, leaving that hole open lets more light in than just taking out the batteries would.
My understanding is that it cannot cast a beam. I would check your state, but I'm sure it's different from state to state.
My understanding is that it cannot cast a beam. I would check your state, but I'm sure it's different from state to state.

Yeah apparently that is the case in California. But some states specifically mention "electronic or battery powered devices attached to the bow" like Colorado. It would suck to have to buy another sight, especially since it is hard to find one without the lights. I may just need to call them. Just thought someone else might have already done that work, lol.
I unscrew the whole light out of mine as well. Have never put it back in after first buying the sight. Yes, Colorado regulations prohibit electronics on the bow. There is some clause allowing a camera as long as it can't be used to aid in sighting/shooting.
Yeah apparently that is the case in California. But some states specifically mention "electronic or battery powered devices attached to the bow" like Colorado. It would suck to have to buy another sight, especially since it is hard to find one without the lights. I may just need to call them. Just thought someone else might have already done that work, lol.

Not that hard to find or remove... in fact most don't have them. Not P&Y eligible... unfair advantage... Fair Chase. Ed F
Yeah I unscrewed it literally the easiest thing in the world. Sorry I bothered everyone with this. Still not even sure of the point of the light. I've found if you can't see the pin u can't see the animal/target
Yeah I unscrewed it literally the easiest thing in the world. Sorry I bothered everyone with this. Still not even sure of the point of the light. I've found if you can't see the pin u can't see the animal/target

Lots of those are for hunting heavy canopies or in ground blinds where the ambient lite is restricted. Also, in some places you can hunt pigs and such at night (don't knock it till you try it) so that is a big use, but I have never even turned them on.
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