Lefties are Losing It

Edited... Not worth it.
Charles - you should have left it as you'd find out we have some common ground about immigration and a lot of other things in spite of what you pre-suppose.

Now back to the regularly scheduled rage about silly stuff.
Over/under on how much longer this thread lasts before it devolves into a giant pissing match? Whenever I see political posts and feel the need to inject my say, I just try to remember that my political opinions have never been changed by some argument on the internet and it’s unlikely anyone else’s will either. I’ll get my popcorn ready.
Don't you just love Political events? It's a poster and an expression of freedom of speech. Let me know how this is anything?

I am 100% on board with the kook fringe left expressing their freedom of speech. It allows reasonable thinking people to see exactly how twisted they are. Just like the kook fringe Bundy right. This was a silver platter gift to Rosendale. You are fooling yourself if you don't think so. Good that Tester is distancing himself this twisted thinking.
The point of this, "event" was to promote Jon Tester beyond those Democrats already set with Tester ballots completed.
Think Rosendale gained from Tester's event.

Time will tell. ;)
The poster is a distraction from the issues, which is what the Rosendale camp wants, since it's getting hammered on his anti-veterans, anti-public land and anti-sportsmen record.

Also - if you're complaining about a poster, hitch up your bermuda shorts and keep yelling at the kids on your lawn. Way to empower the youth vote for Tester.
Sytes, I don't think it helped Tester, but Trump's antics don't help Rosendale either and Matt is unapologetically nose to butt with DJT.

Related to hunting... If you have a good memory I was calling out Rosendale years ago when he introduced an extreme bill in the legislature... I believe it would levy a $1000 fine for civil trespass even if it was accidental with zero damage and a simple photo was proof enough. Then I called him out again when he ran for auditor because I knew he'd be very bad on the land board. He's got a long history of being bad for hunting.
I doubt it is a stretch to say this new article is Rosendale's vision for private land. When I lived in Idaho they constantly apologized for the current state of affairs and lamented that is used to be like Montana is now....
They do. It's the music their parents listen too. :D

More a Cult fan than PJ...

Was interesting, the other day I was trying to recall Tattoo's name from Fantasy Island. I asked a co-worker, then regretted the response, "What the hell is Fantasy Island? Some old porn flick?!?"

PJ is peanut butter and jelly to the youth... Haha!

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