Law Bites!


New member
Apr 8, 2002
Henderson, NV
Due to the perverse sadistical whimsy of a local federal judge, I am sad to announce that I am out for the fishing get together August 23rd (assuming it was still going forward). I will be stuck in a cramped depo room listening to a whining Plaintiff's attorney asking the most inane questions humanly possible! I will think of you fondly. Catch a few for me. I will have to get together when I can get past this case (mayhaps in September?). :( :(
So did I. Remember how the Elk-wussies shamed us into committing to a date to get together and fish? I know that since that time you all have had several get togethers WITHOUT ME, but way back then the date of 8/23 was kicked around for an evening of fishing (Westside v. Eastside and all that sort of rot). Now that Delw has disclaimed any knowledge of the event, I don't feel so bad about not being able to get down there (think how stupid I'd feel being at the lake waiting and waiting).

I know I have not been as active on this site as I was. Work has been a nightmare lately. I just got out of this 2-week trial which ended with a hung jury (and they couldn't make up their minds either!). Trial days are usually 20 to 21-hour/day investments of my time and psychic energy. The vote was 7-1 in favor of my clients; this means we will have to try the case again. I immediately Tarzaned into getting our Deputy Chiefs ready for these depositions and then attending them (or starting to attend them at this point). All of this has meant no fishing (except for the little jaunt to SD to kill some tuna that vaguely resembled the Plaintiff's lawyer inthe present mess). Also, we recently moved into new offices up in the Northwest and my cable is not yet installed!!! (I am trembling still as I write this).

As if all THAT wasn't bad enough, our 15.9 year old daughter is taking her Driver's License road test today which means . . . . It is too much, I can't go on . . . .

Since I have your attention, however, how the heck is everyone doing? I never hear from Westy (he is supposed to come up every month), Mntman (aren't we going fishing?), Delw (my brass weights and T-shirts?) and Gotfish? (he blew me off that one day). How's work (Gotwork?)? How is the fishing down there? Which is the hottest lake now? Is the Tempe Town lake still a producer? Oh, Gotfish? if you need some fishing stuff, give me a holler when I am next in the VofS and I will drag down a couple of extra rods/rod combos for you to use. One last question, AJ, isn't the Tuna trip coming up soon? Who all is going? IF my September trial falls through is it too lte to sign on?

Whew! My fingers are sore. Later days, guys (and gals). :eek: :D :eek:
Hey LawVegas, nice to see your life is slowing down a bit! :D :D

Computer withdrawls AND 15.9 yr old driving?! I'm surprised you were able to type at all!:eek:

Good luck getting a jury this time around that are able to actually make up their minds. :D

I can empathize with you. My 16yo son got his license last week. He is a good driver, but my wife and I are still very nervous everytime he goes out. He now wants to drive to school on the days I ride my bike to work. Something about having him driving my new truck with a bunch of sleep deprived teenagers rushing to get to school doesn't thrill me.

Sorry to hear that Law vegas.. What get together are you talking about?

BTW how the heck you been? I take it busy with the lawyers stuff ?
Hey LV, Good to hear from you. Sorry for all your trials both professional as well as personal.

You're right we are SUPPOSED to have an east vs west fish off at Bartlett Lake on August 23rd or 24th. That's this week. :eek:

So we better get ready.

I can't believe this. After all the crap we gave you and had to sift through about this Eastside vs Westside Fishing Gathering of the century, you forgot all about it. What a bunch of meatheads. And you wonder why we call you a bunch of Fisherwoosies. This is really pathetic.

LV, hope your work lightens up for you a little bit so you can enjoy some fishing.
Lawvegas my friend,
Yes we are, one of these days.
Just wait and we'll slay the fish and a few cold stone delights as well.
I am working on getting a new job and if that pans out, should have some extra $ to make a trip up there by december.
Stay cool and catch some stripers for me.
Da fisherwoosie's strike again!!![out that is]. Reading this, I can't belive you fella's can't remember why us Elkboy's started hounding you pussy whipped pansy assed girly boy's in the first place....This was why it all started....Come on now...Show us the money or go into the curling iron section with your tails between your legs...
I think they like the negitive encouragement...The positive doesn't seem to do any good..We have given both and only really get any responce when we hit them with the negative stuff....
!!!!F I S H E R W O O S I E S!!!!

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