NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Late Kaibab - 11 years old

Congratulations to all of you!
That quality father-n-son(s) time is probably the best thing to come out of the hunt, but that buck is right up there too.
Awesome job!! Congratulations!! Is there anything you would do different next time? Asking from a dad’s perspective.
Awesome job!! Congratulations!! Is there anything you would do different next time? Asking from a dad’s perspective.
Oh yeah. The biggest thing is we had a scope issue on our primary rifle so we had to switch to a backup rifle. He hasn’t shot that one as much and during the hunt we discovered he wasn’t getting a solid cheek weld because his face is so small. That resulted in him shooting high on a couple of bucks.

The boys forgot several things (boots, gloves, etc) that we had to meet mom mid-hunt to pick up which cost us a day of hunting.So check their packs.

This was new country for us and it’s a rut/migration hunt. So if I had it to do over again I might have paid for a scouting service to get us pointed in the right direction.
For those of you who have really long attention spans here is the whole story (Long Read Warning)

Day 1 My buddy Chase and his dad Dave and son Raleigh were up for the adventure in a new place. Right off the bat we had a buck picked up. Before it was even light enough to see his antlers we could see from his body that he was a mature buck. We looked him over with the glass for an hour or so but Nash had a goal of having the biggest buck in the house (which isn't hard in our household of impatient trigger fingers). So we let him go. As we walked out that morning I noticed a loose scope base on the 7mm-08 that was our primary rifle so we had to switch to the backup .243 which limited us a bit without turrets.


On day 2 we rolled into a canyon to glass a bunch of fingers and there were already two trucks parked in our glassing spot. With only 75 tags I was beginning to mutter under my breath about being on top of other hunters in such a huge unit. Just as I was telling Dave and Chase where Plan B would be, another Dave walks up and says "We tagged out yesterday, there are 8 of us who can help you today and tomorrow if you like." Well I wasn't saying no to that kind of offer. That morning we glassed up 6 or 7 mature bucks in that area. We made a big play on the nicest buck we found. To get to him we had to cross a canyon and sidehill up a ridge about 1/2 mile. We moved slowly into the area where the buck had headed and after a few minutes Chase picked up the buck in his bed. At only 252 yards it looked like this just might happen. Unfortunately the 180' buck was bedded with a small sage right in front of his vitals. We got the rifle set in the triclawps and waited for him to stand. It wasn't long before the buck started to shift in his bed and I told Nash to get ready. The buck stood and I said (in a little more than a whisper) "SHOOT HIM". I didn't hear anything so I looked over and saw Nash shaking uncontrollably and tears welling up in his eyes. While trying to stay in the scope he cred "Dad, I can't stop shaking." I tried to calm him, but before it happened the buck had moved up the ridge. We finally got the stars to align long enough for the buck to stand still and Nash to calm down simultaneously but it was at the very edge of our comfortable range with the .243 @ 362 yards. When it came time to squeeze the trigger Nash managed to control his breathing but was fighting the shakes and he muttered "Dad, I can't pull the trigger", I have never seen a kid get buck fever so bad. It was tempting to help him with the squeeze but I resisted and he eventually got the rifle to fire. The long report of the rifle told me it was a clean miss and Chase confirmed that he had shot inches over the bucks back.

Sunday AM we found 3 big bucks first thing in the morning. We were just over 400 yds and made a quick move to get within 300. We came within seconds on the biggest 3x3 that I have ever seen when one of the bucks must have caught our outline on the skyline and the bucks were off. At midday our help had to break camp and head south so the boys and I laced up the boots to get it done with just each other. This is familiar territory. At midday we stopped to talk to a gentleman from Idaho who was down to scout for his expected tag for 2021. After we parted ways he drove up the road and quickly turned around and headed back to us. He told us there was a buck bedded 200 yards up the road and I excitedly asked him if he wanted to help us kill it. We got everything set up and Nash had no trouble pulling the trigger this time. Our new friend Rick confirmed that the buck never even moved. He just tipped over right in his bed. We hugged. There were tears of joy. All 3 of us stayed there in that embrace for as long as we could without it being weird. We started to pack up and then Nash said something that has haunted me ever since . . . "Dad, he just ran away" in a confused tone. I couldn't process what I heard. I looked back and the buck wasn't there. I looked down the hill and saw an antler. Before I could get him set up for a second shot we lost view of the buck. I just couldnt imagine this buck had gone far. The next few hours were excruciating. We found where he was bedded and the pool of blood was very small considering he had laid there for several minutes. Within 130 yds it went from good blood to pin drops to nothing.


After looking for hours we decided to glass the canyon he had disappeared into. There were only like 3 tree pockets in the whole thing so if he was around I was confident we would find him, but from the looks of the sign I wasn't confident he was around. After not seeing any other sign of him that day or the following, I could barely stand to look at Nash. The disappointment in that little boy's eyes were crushing. To have to take his first deer off the board, for such a nice kid who never complains, has never expressed even a hint of jealousy to others and who has been right along his brother's side for two hunts this year . . . to take this away from him pained me in a way I have never felt before. I was angry with myself, resentful of the circumstances and bitter at the outcome. I know this is part of the game, I knew that buck wasn't mortally wounded but I have never lost an animal with a rifle. Why now? Why did this happen right now?!?! The best I can figure he hit that buck in the neck but missed the spinal column and major blood vessels. The impact disrupted blood flow to the brain and knocked the buck unconscious but the hard copper bullet from a light shooting rifle didn't expand much with only a few inches of tissue to work within.

The next couple of days were steady with bucks but we were having a hard time getting into a shooting position again. I could tell Nash was getting worn down (heck I was getting worn down) and I was beginning to wonder if we were going to be able to pull it off. Tuesday night I called my buddy Russ, who had warned me this might happen and even told me not to wait until the last minute to ask for help, and asked for help. I was desperate to wash away the memory of the lost buck and help restore the fun for Nash. Russ called me back and said he had a friend who could put us on some deer in country that should fit our style. Looking back, I realize I was getting impatient, but at the time it felt like the weight of the world. I have only experienced this one other time, on Hunter's first deer hunt, and I hope that it is just a first deer thing and we don't have to deal with it again. So I called Russ' buddy Tyne. He shared some waypoints with me and talked me how to hunt some new country that should present good opportunities within our range.

Well first light comes and just as we are working into the first area to check a truck bombs past us on the dead end road and doesn't even bother to stop and coordinate or talk so we don't end up on top of each other. My stress level rose a little as I headed towards the plan b area. We saw one solid buck early but there was no shot opportunity. As we hiked we saw a bald eagle soar over. At 1:00 that day, the stress meter maxed out. Nash started crying. He told me that he wasn't having fun and felt guilty for wounding that buck. My heart hit the floor. We talked for a few minutes and I told him we could do whatever he wanted and if that meant heading home or taking a day off for Thanksgiving, then that was fine. It was his hunt and I would do whatever he wanted. To my amazement, and relief, he asked if we could go back where he missed the big buck and try to find that deer again.

With only one hour of light left on Wednesday we looked over a small burn where we were told we could catch deer at first light. Well if deer were there at first light then there was at least a chance they would be there at last light, right? So we hiked out onto the highest point of the burn, which happened to be about 300 yards from our truck. We had been there for maybe 10 minutes when I look down and to my shock there is a buck feeding out less than 200 yds away. We moved the rifle and tripod about 5' to the left and he had a clear shooting lane. As Nash took aim I took to prayer. At the crack of the rifle there was an immediate and unmistakable "WHACK". The buck humped and jumped and headed back to the trees. My stomach was turning inside out as Nash tried to line up for a follow up shot. He bedded in the open and a quick follow up shot (or two) and Nash had his buck. I had no idea the character the buck had until we walked up. A beautiful 4 pt frame w floating main beams with extras at the very tip and matching eye guards. The buck was actually pretty young, only 3 1/2 according to the biologist at the check station, and had all the potential to become a Kaibab legend. Instead, he will have to settle for a family legend as the biggest buck in our house.
Great buck. Good job guiding. If he grows up to be a hardcore mule deer hunter, he’d never forgive you for packing up and going home early 😂. That is the tag i want most in life.