Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Large Ranch Road Access. Who to ask?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2019
I am running into some road access issues with very large ranches controlling access down public BLM roads. I am sure the answer is going to be no when I ask on most of these accesses but it's hard to find out who to even talk to. Any of you guys have any pointers for finding out who actually decides on access for huge ranches?
I am running into some road access issues with very large ranches controlling access down public BLM roads. I am sure the answer is going to be no when I ask on most of these accesses but it's hard to find out who to even talk to. Any of you guys have any pointers for finding out who actually decides on access for huge ranches?
Call BLM and County can tell you if it is a public road.
Call BLM and County can tell you if it is a public road.
I have that part down. They are very much privately controlled for access. It's a less than once in a lifetime tag so even though the odds of being allowed access are as bad as my draw odds were I want to ask.
County road department managers are a sneaky good source.

i've shared this before...

but it depends, in rural wyoming you might get a one word e-mail response from the county road and bridge manager who is likely an avid hunter that says "no"

the warden meanwhile told me it was indeed public and was pissed off when i told him what the county department manager had told me.
I have that part down. They are very much privately controlled for access. It's a less than once in a lifetime tag so even though the odds of being allowed access are as bad as my draw odds were I want to ask.
No one here can tell you if the road will be locked when the season starts unless you tell everyone what road it is and see if anyone has experience with it. If it is a single ranch controlling access, you could try to get ahold of ranch and ask them.
No one here can tell you if the road will be locked when the season starts unless you tell everyone what road it is and see if anyone has experience with it. If it is a single ranch controlling access, you could try to get ahold of ranch and ask them.
The getting hold of the ranch is the part I am wondering if anyone has input on. We're talking corporate size ranches. You don't just find the ranch managers number on the google. One of the ranches is owned by the Wilkes brothers if that helps put it in perspective for you.
does it outfit? probably has a website with e-mail addresses and phone numbers.

if not pull up the info on onx and get to going down the rabbit hole.

but there are plenty of routes to get an authoritative say on if the road is public without asking the ranch. whether or not the ranch locks the gate is yet another thing.
The getting hold of the ranch is the part I am wondering if anyone has input on. We're talking corporate size ranches. You don't just find the ranch managers number on the google. One of the ranches is owned by the Wilkes brothers if that helps put it in perspective for you.
I get it. It’s going to take leg work, or more appropriately, phone work. Call local FWP. Wilkes are not known for closing public roads. I hunted around a few of there ranch locations and knew one the ranch hands (no longer there so not much help). You can DM me with the road name and maybe I can point you in the right direction. Like most have suggested, make a couple of phone calls and you should get the info you are looking for.
The getting hold of the ranch is the part I am wondering if anyone has input on. We're talking corporate size ranches. You don't just find the ranch managers number on the google. One of the ranches is owned by the Wilkes brothers if that helps put it in perspective for you.
In my experience, if the Wilkes own the ranch it should be easy. All you have to do is stop on the road and pull out some binos, and they will come to you. We’ve been accosted more than once on a public road running through their property. Ranch staff are usually Johnny-on-the-spot to come let you know the property is private. 🙄
Trespassing is usually under the sheriff's dept. Just see if it is a public road. I like the ROAD AND BRIDGE DEPT. Public roads often go thru private land.
Just to clean this up a little bit. Roads I am concerned with are 100% privately controlled open BLM roads. No doubt about that fact. Just trying to weed through the best way to track down the local ranch manager of a corporate ranch. Probably going to end up checking some gates and talking to some locals on my first trip up there to try and find out.
I get it. It’s going to take leg work, or more appropriately, phone work. Call local FWP. Wilkes are not known for closing public roads. I hunted around a few of there ranch locations and knew one the ranch hands (no longer there so not much help). You can DM me with the road name and maybe I can point you in the right direction. Like most have suggested, make a couple of phone calls and you should get the info you are looking for.
Just start driving them. Definitely do this prior to season so you don't get the trespassing while hunting ticket. Whoever stops you to confront you will have some contact info for you I am sure. You may find out you don't even want to hunt off some of these roads before the ranch staff catches you. Save you from needing to ask.

PS - Sarcasm
Just start driving them. Definitely do this prior to season so you don't get the trespassing while hunting ticket. Whoever stops you to confront you will have some contact info for you I am sure. You may find out you don't even want to hunt off some of these roads before the ranch staff catches you. Save you from needing to ask.

PS - Sarcasm
Might be sarcasm but that is probably the best, if not only, way to talk with the ranch manager.
What does this mean, exactly?

"Just to clean this up a bit....100% privately controlled open BLM roads. No doubt about that fact." LOL that cleaned up nothing for me at least. To my knowledge and experience of a few decades hunting out west there is no such critter as a "100% privately controlled open BLM roads"

So, what are these unquestionable facts? Is the road a public road? You seem to say it is a "...BLM Road". If it is why would it be "privately controlled" and by what authority is it? Is it instead a PRIVATELY owned and maintained road for which BLM? holds an easement or access agreement for the benefit of the general public tp reach public lands at the far end of the private ground? Can you more fully describe the relevant facts?

Is it a public BLM road or is it a private road?

Original question: "Any of you guys have any pointers for finding out who actually decides on access for huge ranches?"

1, I would almost never ask the private landholders to conclusively tell me if a road through their property is one I am, as a member of the public, seeking to drive to access public lands past that private land. As other noted talk to Public land agencies AND County govts, and Wildlife departments.

2, The agency or the private entity or record responsible for or owning the right of way is the one who decides who can travel on a given road.

3, As for how to find the person representing a ranch that you want to discuss access for roads with, that is gonna vary by the ranch, so no easy answer other than digging for info and calling or visiting the ranch...unless you wish to state which ranch it is in which case someone may have the details for that ranch?

By chance are the roads in question the

"680 Ervin Ridge and Bullwhacker Roads" and if so why start a new thread for the same? topic providing less info to get more info?​

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Just find a phone number for the ranch. Ask to be put in touch with the ranch manager and talk to him/ her. All of these large corporate ranches have a ranch manager who for all intents and purposes run everything on the ranch, if access can be granted they will be the one to do it.

Start with a small ask, for example outline the exact days you would be interested in using the road. Also mention you will wash your truck before you come as to not spread noxious weeds. Second, if access is not granted upon your first ask offer to come for a day and help fix fence or something of the sort.
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