PEAX Equipment

Landowner and Hunter.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009

Pretty cool.

"Eichhorn conceived the idea as a way to give back to the community while reducing the growing elk population. Atlanta businessman Arthur M. Blank owns three ranches in the valley totaling almost 26,000 acres.

The Mountain Sky Guest Ranch has long offered free hunts to wounded veterans while the adjoining West Creek Ranch has offered youth elk hunts. The PVR is Blank’s most recent acquisition in the valley, acquired in 2019 with conservation in mind."

"No outfitted hunting occurs on any of the ABM ranches. Nearby outfitters charge about $5,500 to $6,500 for bull elk hunts.

“Anywhere he has businesses, Arthur likes to give back to the community,” Brown said."
Blank has as many ranches as ex-wives. That said, smart guy, sticks to his guns business-wise. Why MONTANA legislature won't allow ranchers (who feed/provide winter habitat, fawning ground/predator control) to purchase and/or gift tags for bona fide wounded/ptsd/veterans remains unanswered. We had a situation this fall where we tried to get a MT gal a bull, was on her bucket list, she won't be with us or her beautiful family much longer. Many thanks to a respected rancher near White Sulphur who had lost his wife and knows what it is all about. We aren't here that long, keep the big picture in mind.
There are some good things going on with cooperating landowners, sportsmen, and FWP in the Paradise valley. The bulls being taken are from demographics that virtually all sportsmen would applaud: youth, vets, first-time hunters. Cows are being harvested by locals and other hunters, helping all involved. This microcosm is something to study as sportsmen-LO-FWP look for solutions and rewriting the EMP.
I got the archive link for people that are not subscribed to the newspaper
I may have signed up for Billings Gazette at one time or another and maybe that's why it routes to the article though the article is available to view when I click the link.
There's also the android option to view in simplified mode. Not sure If that's available for apple(?).
I've done it on my desktop. I think you should try it there on an actual computer.
A database of landowners looking for assistance with projects would be of great way to build some relationships with landowners. Even if they don’t let you hunt they would have a better opinion of hunters if we made a positive difference.
A database of landowners looking for assistance with projects would be of great way to build some relationships with landowners. Even if they don’t let you hunt they would have a better opinion of hunters if we made a positive difference.
On the surface that would be cool, really cool. But if you think of it from a landowner maybe not so much.

I’ll use myself as an example. I think of myself as being pretty smart, I can learn quick and I work hard. But I am EXTREMELY introverted, I don’t talk much, I don’t have 400 posts here on huntalk. I grew up in a small town, not a ranch/farm town, just small town in South Dakota. Suffice to say I don’t know shit about ranching or farming work. Not saying I couldn’t do it, but there’s something to be said about watching your parents work. So a landowner would have to show me how stuff is done. So if they show someone how it’s done, why not do it themselves. That’s what I’d do. It would be a gamble for a landowner to have someone come work on their stuff, maybe they do good work, maybe they’re a dumbass and do shitty work. Should I ever win the lotto and buy a mega ranch, I don’t think I’d take that gamble.

Full disclosure, I am a pretty jaded guy. Maybe your plan would work and keep assholes like me out. It’s a cool article, it would be nice if there were less asshole..ish people around.

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