NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Korean war vetern passed on tonight.

pa mt man

New member
Feb 3, 2002
He quit school in the eighth grade and lied about his age so he could become an apprentice machinist at a pipe machinery company where all his relatives worked. After a wore out flat belt planer took a big chunk of his leg the army said he was still good enough to fight in the Korean war. He,at 24 was older than the other draftees. He went up and down in rank cause he couldn't stay out of trouble.
He met his wife of 59 years in Seoul at a broken water pump that he was told to fix. She,5 years younger than him was sent their by her grandmother, who was taking care of her, for food for sex. Her parents were killed while fleeing the North.
Ended up falling in love and promised her that he would come back for her. The grandmother died and the now pregnant women went to live and help at an orphanage. The nuns told her to hit the baby on the head when he was born cause the GI wasn't coming back. She didn't. He did come back. Brought her and the baby back to the USA.
There's plenty more to this story and a person with writing abilities could write a book about them. I know its a hunting website but I just wanted to write a little piece about my dad somewhere.

Rest in peace dad.
Sorry to hear about your fathers passing. I spent 13 months in Korea. I heard many stories similar but also saw a lot of Korean / American's about my age who fathers never returned or were not known. You are blessed man to have had such an honorable father. Thanks for sharing.
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. I think about my Dad every day as I'm sure you will of yours. It sounds like your Dad left a heck of a legacy!
What a wonderful father, husband and man. Thanks for sharing. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
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Sorry for your loss. Sounds like a good man who you had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with.
That is an amazing tribute to a very special person. What short piece you wrote there tells of a person with remarkable character and intergity. No doubt the world will miss such a person.

May you find strength and comfort in the thoughts and prayers of family and friends during this difficult time.