Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Kerosene for heat?


Mar 24, 2019
We have used a wood stove for tent heat in the past but it always burns out during the night, plus I'd rather hunt than find dry wood to cut and split. I emailed Mr. Heater about their buddy heaters and was told they may not work at 9-10,000 feet altitude because of the low oxygen shut off. So, has anyone has used a portable indoor kerosene heater to keep their tent warm overnight?
I can’t remember who makes it but I know someone makes a pellet stove for a wall tent. Might be something for you to look into
I can’t think of any reason why kerosene wouldn’t work. There was at one time a company making vented propane heaters for wall tents.
What the reason to consider kerosene when propane is way less of a mess, cheaper, and has ample amount of heaters available? A big buddy will run a long time in a 20lb tank and heat a very large area.
Buddy heaters don’t work at high elevation. The low oxygen sensor shuts them down. A friend tried one last year at ~8000 ft and it would only run for 5 minutes and shut off.
Weird. I have used a buddy heater in an 8x8 wall tent at 8200 feet for a few years and never had an issue. I don’t run it all night but about 20min in the evening and morning to take the chill off.

It does not replace good wood or coal for a dry heat though. Just arrive a day early and cut wood. You will be glad you did. If you have a stove that can handle coal throw a lump of coal on it before you go to bed and it should make it through the night.
What the reason to consider kerosene when propane is way less of a mess, cheaper, and has ample amount of heaters available? A big buddy will run a long time in a 20lb tank and heat a very large area.
I contacted Mr. Heater and was told that my big buddy heater may not work at the elevation we camp at due to the low oxygen shut off system.
I used to use a kerosene heather in my GP Small when I was assigned to an armor unit. Size, fuel etc were not an issue as a heavy unit has plenty of space and a support platoon to get fuel. I will say that I prefer the heat of that over propane. Seems more "radiant" and warming. That being said, as mentioned above, I think the best answer is to show up a little early, cut firewood and enjoy a wood stove. The heat can't be beat and you don't have to worry about running out of fuel (which is a great comfort if things get really "western"). Bonus is that it is another chance to run the chainsaw :)

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