Caribou Gear Tarp

Just got diagnosed with Fatty Liver disease


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2023
Southeast Flo-Ree-Duh , Bug Country
Not sure how to take it . My dad died from NASH , Non Alcoholic cirrhosis of the Liver , and it was terrible .
Going to GI doc to get a better idea and understand how to deal with this condition .
I'm 64 , 25 lbs overweight , but still in good shape , IMO .
I have an incredible sweet tooth , love cakes and pies , but try to eat healthy .
Anybody deal with this ?
First off sorry to hear that. My brother in law was just diagnosed with that last week. I ran into him at the grocery store. He had 2 cases of beer in the cart with 2 family packs of pork steaks. His diet is pretty bad. It sounds like cirrhosis of the liver is pretty rare. His doctor said he needs to change his diet. And exercise.
Currently have a friend and close family member with NASH. Friend got a transplant three weeks ago and looks/feels brand new. Family is advanced stage and sick but not sick enough to get on the transplant list. If its early, great success in reversing course with diet and exercise. Advanced can require more intervention but it is definitely a disease that is treatable and managable. Good luck!
Good read @longbow98 .

Best to you and your health @CRJR45 . Hopefully this stays at the common level. Docs know their field pretty darn well. Follow his/her advice as I'm sure you are.
Seems as my age continues, adapting to crap like a couple prunes vs a can of Pringles go a long way - heh. Try and take bacon from me and I may need to adjust my life insurance. Haha!

Wishing you the best. Thanks for sharing.
I have an incredible sweet tooth , love cakes and pies , but try to eat healthy .
Wake up call for you my friend, that isn't eating healthy, I was diagnosed with the same years ago, cut right back on the above (especially cheese!) had a retest 12 months later, no more fatty liver.
Best of luck with your lifestyle changes.
I would be more concerned with what too many pies do to your arteries and heart (I speak from experience and a very, very close call) and get that checked out.
Diet will be critical and potentially your best tool as long as there aren't other complications. A good dietician/nutritionist can help. Often the challenge isn't the foods in a new diet, it's a plan to be able to execute the diet. A plan full of daily ideas/meal plans to make that transition until it becomes automatic.
Vegetables are fun. Salad is passé now. Grilled zucchini, baked apples, roasted butternut squash, broiled artichoke. I tell ya, nothing motivates me more than those ominous diagnoses. I once had a grave report that my lipids were like flatline levels. I cut out beer and bready stuff for one year, dropped lipids to well within healthy levels. I’d say you don’t have to entirely exclude pie, but add vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes. You can drink a gallon of water every day. you can walk one measured mile every day. Here’s a crossroads where you can live another 30yrs or not. Your decision, sir, and I hope the best for you!
View attachment 266922
Vegetables are fun. Salad is passé now. Grilled zucchini, baked apples, roasted butternut squash, broiled artichoke. I tell ya, nothing motivates me more than those ominous diagnoses. I once had a grave report that my lipids were like flatline levels. I cut out beer and bready stuff for one year, dropped lipids to well within healthy levels. I’d say you don’t have to entirely exclude pie, but add vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes. You can drink a gallon of water every day. you can walk one measured mile every day. Here’s a crossroads where you can live another 30yrs or not. Your decision, sir, and I hope the best for you!
View attachment 266922
Vegetables are fun. Salad is passé now. Grilled zucchini, baked apples, roasted butternut squash, broiled artichoke. I tell ya, nothing motivates me more than those ominous diagnoses. I once had a grave report that my lipids were like flatline levels. I cut out beer and bready stuff for one year, dropped lipids to well within healthy levels. I’d say you don’t have to entirely exclude pie, but add vegetables, fruit, nuts, legumes. You can drink a gallon of water every day. you can walk one measured mile every day. Here’s a crossroads where you can live another 30yrs or not. Your decision, sir, and I hope the best for you!
Exactly what I was trying to put across, but you did it so much better!
WOW , I'm blown away by the show of support and information . Thank you everyone .
I had a heart attack two years ago , 100% blockage of the widowmaker . They put a stent in and I have no damage from it . I was on the ocean by myself in the boat . They said it was just a freak thing , a piece of plaque broke loose .
It was a fantastic day , right up till then , LOL , Cobia were on fire .

So since then I've been doing better , well at first I was very adamant about what I ate , but I've slipped back into my bad habits .
Just got a clean bill of health from the cardiologist , checked my carotid arteries , no plaque build up to speak of .
I was down to 204 , but now I'm back to 225 , and at 5'11" it's a lot of muscle , my farmboy genes .
I'll do as you say , get back down to 200-ish ,
Thank you all !

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