Jason Chaffetz on Primos podcast


New member
May 21, 2016
I just listened to the latest Primos podcast and was shocked to hear Chaffetz being interviewed and then almost wrecked my car from pounding on the steering wheel. The machine is trying to rebrand him as some sort of true conservation minded hunter with a balanced and reasoned approach to public lands. I encourage everyone to listen to it and then contact Primos and also leave a review on iTunes. I asked them to please have some one else on to give a rebuttal to Chaffetz’s half-truths. He interviewed Rinella a little while back and I am sure he would be able to give him a different perspective on public lands issues. This sort of white washing has got to stop. Primos is a huge company with a large fan base. Form your own opinion after listening, but the host seemed to be complicit in an organized attempt to get Chaffetz’s image changed and to label true conservation minded people as crazies and reactionary. I encourage everyone to please give them the feedback they deserve for this garbage.
Here is a link to the show https://www.primos.com/podcast/jason-chaffetz/
I haven't listened to this and I don't know how the Primos brand feels about public lands but all of their elk videos are on private ranches.
Basically are we even sure Primos is pro public land?
But yes anyone portraying Chaffetz in a positive light for public lands isn't doing anyone any favors.
I just heard back from the host and he is planning on having Land Tawney from BHA on a future podcast. I am glad to hear that at least.
I listened to this episode yesterday on my commute and wish I hadn't listened to any of it. What a complete joke. I though maybe Chaffetz would be less full of it since he is no longer running for office, but nope. I'm glad the show will feature Land Tawney so there is an actual pro conservation hunter to represent us, but I don't know if it will outweigh the damage done by letting Chaffetz portray himself as a conservationist or falsely claim that the pro transfer movement will benefit hunters. They also appear to have deleted your review joel. My review also has not been posted.
I have it in my queue but can't bring myself to listen to it. I just got done with the Grays Harbor Meateater episode. It makes me miss the saltwater action.
Primos is one of many companies owned by Vista Outdoors. They own Federal, Bushnell and other brands. The podcast most likely reflects an agenda of Vista and not necessarily the folks at Primos. The real question here is if Vista put the podcast together, or are they truly ignorant of Chaffetz traditional position on public land transfer. Or as someone else posted, maybe they just don't care....
Primos is one of many companies owned by Vista Outdoors. They own Federal, Bushnell and other brands. The podcast most likely reflects an agenda of Vista and not necessarily the folks at Primos. The real question here is if Vista put the podcast together, or are they truly ignorant of Chaffetz traditional position on public land transfer. Or as someone else posted, maybe they just don't care....

Not sure on this since Federal and Savage are both sponsors of the Meateater and he is pretty clear on his stance on public land.
Let's get Chaffetz on a pod cast with Randy!

Not sure on this...
After listening to the podcast, Jason very much walks back his position on land transfer and sale of public land. I'm stunned! I think we need to give Jason a broader platform to clarify his "conversion" and walk us through his position on land transfer It would be helpful if Big Fin could get Jason on a podcast and talk this through. It is really tough to give Jason the benefit of the doubt given the Republican Party platform and his roll in land transfer. Jason still states the position on the podcast that public lands should be transferred to the States who can do a "better" job of management. I think generally we see that transfer to the STATES as a major threat to keeping public lands public. I think Jason needs this idea of "state control" challenged by Randy in a public form. The Primos host does very little to challenge any of Jason's comments.

Big Fin - can you get Jason on a podcast?
The Primos host does very little to challenge any of Jason's comments.
This was the source of my frustration with the podcast, not that Primos gave Chaffetz a platform. I also disagree that he walked back his stance on transferring public lands. I don't see any benefit from Big Fin debating him on the subject as Chaffetz is still in politician mode. All Chaffetz will do is deflect questions and say "local control is better". He will never admit transferring land will result in the eventual loss of public access to those lands.
...as Chaffetz is still in politician mode. All Chaffetz will do is deflect questions and say "local control is better". He will never admit transferring land will result in the eventual loss of public access to those lands.

Got it. You’re probably right about the deflection strategy. But it couldn’t hurt to try and engage. Randy would certainly make the lack of transparency obvious to a large base if that’s the approach Jason were to take.

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