It's just unbelievable!


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Omaha, NE
I love the US of America...its the greatest place on this earth.
But Im getting more and more concerned about wtf is going on around us...what are people thinking? these following are but a few...

1) US dollar hits new low against euro...we need to clean up our mess, develop a strong business environment, a strong manufacturing base and put our people to work. we have the most willing, hard working, inovative people in the world.

2) Afgan soldiers 'refuse' to go in and clear a wooded area around a town that US troops secured because it was 'too dangerous'...the result...US soldiers (God bless the bravest and the best) have to go in to secure the area. Our troops do as ordered, whether they 'like it' or not and do for others what others are not willing to do for themselves. So many people in the mideast just dont get it...the costs of freedom and democracy, it isnt given...its earned.

3) Parents/school systems in the US protesting and not allowing the kids to view a Presidential Address to the young and students of our country??? :eek: That is not sending the right message about respect to our young. Regardless of how you voted or feel, he is the President. We are so consumed w/our own views and agendas now we teach them to dis our president? kids are smart...let them feel involved, form opinions and figure things out for themselves...its the only way they grow.

Sorry, I dont mean to get off on a rant...just makes me shake my head..
1) US dollar hits new low against euro...we need to clean up our mess, develop a strong business environment, a strong manufacturing base and put our people to work. we have the most willing, hard working, inovative people in the world.

Uhhhhh..... can't have cake and eat it too...... If you want strong manufacturing base, you need a weak dollar to make our exports competitive when you sell them. If you have a strong currency, nobody can afford your manufacturing.
Uhhhhh..... can't have cake and eat it too...... If you want strong manufacturing base, you need a weak dollar to make our exports competitive when you sell them. If you have a strong currency, nobody can afford your manufacturing.

people wonder how China does it, there you go. and they do it on purpose
jose...good point and I agree from an economic standpoint...but it doesnt tell the whole story.
when we manfacture innovative and quality products demand is created for those products at equilibreium prices, not neccessarily the lowest prices. price pressure is put on thru introduction of similar or superior products at similar or lower prices.
These all time lows reflect other weak economy, loss of ability to be competitive or offer superior products and a lack of belief in our system.
rosco...the chinese are seeing improvements in the average persons lifestyle, income and opportunity. but they do it thru exploitation of their people/cheap labor, destruction of their environment and well...lets be realistic...all the other countries buy thier crap so the chinese govt will invest their zillions of dollars in our poor, stanginate

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